Hey, friends.

Hey, friends. I just came up with the first draft of a clerical replacement, the Holy Warrior. I stole heavily from Stormbringer, which led to a more complex class than normally seen in D&D; I'm honestly not sure it works. I'd love the eyes of some better designers than me to take a look at it and tell me what they think.


  1. Good points; I was intending to give out Elan points at the end of a session, which made it xp-like to track.

    I'm thinking that a roll-under mechanic might be easier, with maybe 1/2 of Elan lost when used. As far as a drawback, Humza Kazmi suggested that there was a critical failure/wrath of god option (at 20); perhaps instead you lose 1/4 of Elan on a failed plea for divine intervention?

    1. Releasing a spirit is done by breaking the item.
    2. Stolen items cannot work unless they are bound by another Holy Warrior; they are inert for anyone but the HW.

  2. Oh, wait, I get what you're saying. Since it is hard to accumulate Elan,
    but you have a minimum Elan score, players won't try to hoard Elan but
    rather will roll it all the time, hoping to get a lucky roll.

    I guess the best way to handle that would be to eliminate a minimum Elan
    score; perhaps you simply earn a number of Elan each time you gain a level?

  3. Okay, updated with suggestions from Anthony Picaro.


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