The take from the last two games in the Frog Demon Temple (which is now cleared except for the well down to some...

The take from the last two games in the Frog Demon Temple (which is now cleared except for the well down to some "other place."

Swag from first session (and this would be the usual crowd plus Mike D):
Ermine coat (500 suns)
Fake gold chain of office
Man purse with tiger opals (600 suns)

Exp per player first session: 1,020

Swag from second session:
Chest of 7000 suns
Sword hilt with gems, 1000 suns
Magic short sword
Magic glowing ring
3 hot gold statues, 1000 gold each

Exp per player 2nd session: 2890


  1. I see what you did there, saying I am "unusual".

  2. cc Anthony Picaro Michael Moscrip Robert Parker  Humza K James Aulds cole long

  3. must do math when at home, pickle might have to throw a party and adopt some orphans

  4. Any result from IDs on the sword and ring?

  5. Yep the ring is of alien origin. Inscribed in the magical linear notes are the words "Toe-Ring of Vastri the Hopping Prophet." 
    1. Causes Severe Dampness one-mile radius once per day. All bowstrings are dampened and are -2 to attack (half effective range). All normal fires are extinguished and visibility is limited to 60 yards due to the foggy conditions. EDIT lasts for one hour. 

    2. Causes huge hard-knobby warts to cover a person's face once per day. Can only be removed with Cure Serious Wounds or Cure Disease. -2 to afflicted person's CHA.

    3. Can summon either a frogling from the Dark Country or a bullywug from Greyhawk once per day. They will be whisked back to their plane at midnight. 

    The short sword is a simple boring but effective perhaps +2 short sword.

  6. That is freaking awesome. Already getting sneaky ideas for Cause Severe Dampness.

  7. cause severe dampness in the desert, oasis?

  8. It would probably be worth a fortune to a municipal fire department--if such things existed.

  9. James Aulds yep though actually collecting water may be kind of a bitch. Oh EDIT the ring's dampness effect duration is one hour. The one-mile radius is not a typo.

  10. hey, nice haul
    using that ring sounds like a good way to mutate into a frog-demon

  11. Michael Moscrip  did you get your flock some frog masks yet to turn this into a hideout/temple

  12. K is now level 3! Still need to roll HPs.

  13. Kudos to our favorite blue-skinned ranger with an unpronounceable name.

  14. Oh man Lazzaro really wants to carry that ring for thematic reasons (Death Swamp Doom & whatnot) but will grudgingly listen to arguments based on party effectiveness or whatever. No class restrictions on use?

    Who is in need of a +2 Short Sword at this point? Tazrun probably? That or we're sliding on down to Mulmak & Ool & think.

    So for session 1 that's 137.5 gp for each involved (Lazzaro, Taurus, Pickle, Ba Chim, Fr Jack, TERMEX, Manzafrain) and the group fund.

    And for session 2 that's 3666.66 gp for each involved (Lazzaro, Taurus, Pickle, Ba Chim, Fr Jack) & the group fund.

    SIDENOTE: Are we missing value for 1 of the 2 chains of office? I think we wanted to sell the fake one but maybe we had to alter it / melt it down first.

  15. if the short sword is +2 to hit and damage it might be best used by taurus

  16. Makes sense. Will note it when I sit down to update the magic item & group fund threads later tonight.

  17. right now he is primarily using an eldish sabre, +0 to hit, 1d8+1 damage

  18. Also (leaving this as note to myself more than anything else) will check on who all I have listed with Green Steel Maces at the moment. Probably can get Ool & Mulmak carrying those. Might even be enough for Khunalemminkainen also.

  19. i have the +1 or 3 depending eld two handwd sword

  20. Yes the sword is +2 to hit and damage. The ring has no obvious restrictions.

  21. Alright, also gonna call attention to the following items which I don't think are currently in use by anyone:

    two potions of delusion
    one regeneration
    one longevity
    one plant control
    one polymorph self

    Ring of Walking on the Water

    We should figure out who's carrying them at any given moment.

    There's also the 3 5d6 arrows we have. I think Taurus is holding them but dunno if any have been used.

  22. None of the Arrows of Tor have been used.

  23. And yeah looks like with the reshuffle there's enough Green Steel Maces floating around for Mulmak & Ool to carry them (others carried by Lazzaro, Tazrun, Fr Jack, TERMEX).

  24. Kuhnalemminkainen carries the +2 Handaxe currently, yeah?

  25. Father Jack has a few ideas involving the Water Walking ring...

  26. Seems appropriate (Note: I have no idea how it works. I was not there that session.)

  27. Hopefully there is a large open cesspit or some other thematically appropriate body of water in or around Marlinko.

  28. On the chains of office. The fake one is worth a small amount about 40 suns. The real one is worth 3000 suns but selling it may pose a problem.

  29. I'm for keeping the real one. Might as well use the real thing for the inevitable ManzaDisguise.

  30. Ba Chim normally has the hand axe; K has been using an Eld polearm. If someone else would like to use the hand axe, I am totally willing to pass it to them.

    (As a side note the hand axe head is magical; there may be a linked handle to complete the weapon, like Fauxbringer's tip)

  31. K probably makes the most attack rolls of the fighter-types not currently equipped with a magic weapon, & at level 3 he probably has enough HP to mix it up in melee now, so makes sense for it to stay in the Ba Chim crew.

    As to the handle, we should get on that sometime. (Group fund at over 7000 now - another trip to the Oracle? ;p)

    TERMEX uses a chain axe (+0 hit, +2 damage) and also has access to a Green Steel Mace for magic situations.

    Wiggum uses a chain axe but doesn't currently make many sessions so probably not a major concern.

  32. What are these green steel maces you speak of bio-bag? Your talk confounds me.  Bee Boo Bop. 01000100111001

  33. I swear I hand these out to everybody every week all over again.

  34. Well as Chris Kutalik pointed out, I am unusual and should be forgiven for my ignorance of your biological ways and means.

  35. with 7k in the group fund do we want to expand medved's shrine?

  36. side topic, how do yall do resurections and whats the cost on those?

  37. the big problem with resurrections is we fear and distrust the one guy who we know is able to do it (patriarch of kezmarok) and don't want to give him money

  38. and thats why yall do reencarnations instead, where do you do those?

  39. vilem neliko, the high druid, he often visits the shrine to radegast in K10

  40. im working on some folly, what do yall usually tip him for a reencarnation


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