Mauve Legion
Strategos: Ba Chim
Hektonarch: Balazas
Dekarch: Vlad
27 mercs - polearms, half-plate
8 crossbowmen - polearms, half-plate, crossbows
15 kozaks (currently sans horses) - hand weapons, leather?

Upkeep - 240 suns/month (plus whatever our original 15 mercs cost). 

Currently: Fortifying King's Ten and Domovillages, running patrols

Emergency Levy
65 troops


  1. Michael Moscrip Do you want to bring Lady I's lancers back to the Shore? I don't know that our original plan of having them as cadre for the D-K's forces is particularly worthwhile at the moment.

    (OTOH may be worthwhile to keep the lancers in Kezmarok for 1-2 more weeks depending on the D-K's mission to the Summer Country.)

  2. Eight of the mercs also have heavy crossbows.

  3. Btw current permanent population of both Kingsten and the Domovoy villages is 306 it's still fairly heavy on adult men so I'd say in a pinch you have an emergency levy of 65.

  4. Disposition of the Warmaiden's Lancers is largely dependent on the DK. If they are currently engaged in prep or missions in the Summer Country, they should continue there, but if they're unoccupied, I'd agree that it would be nice to have them at the shore.

  5. I can also bring up some emergency forces if the need ever arises. Another month or so and I'll be comfortable patrolling a few hexes as well.

  6. Chris Kutalik Any suggestions by our ring?

  7. Balazas thinks that 50 is spread a little thin for patrols of Kingsten, the villages and intervening cypress swamp hex.

  8. Chris Kutalik Does he have any suggestions for building our forces?

  9. Lazzaro can pick up the slack if a patrol route not frequented by many civilians can be identified.

  10. Robert Parker he rattles off a half-dozen cities and twice as many mercenary companies that don't currently exist before stopping himself and saying "perhaps one could try those villages, Ostrovo and Marlank, in the Cantons. The northern barbarians make fine soldiers despite their approach to personal hygiene."

  11. Ostrovo you would know is particularly known for its top notch mercenary pikemen.

  12. Cool. Can we arrange to pick some up during downtime?

  13. Robert Parker Terms of the Ostrovan companies are almost always (and always in your case) for one-year contracts. Payment is upfront and there is a clause for letting them go “Rutger Hauer wild” as a compensation in case of the sacking of a city. In exchange they swear a blood-oath to not break the contract if its held in good faith (and with "non-stupid leadership")  or surrender/retreat in the face of a “mundane” enemy (internal penalty is hanging). They provide their own equipment, officers, armorer and other support personnel. 

    The smallest unit is 40 which includes 30 pikemen, 10 halberdiers and a lieutenant (and you can hire up to four such units). Contract price for the year is 2000 suns payable to the Ostrovo Rada.

  14. Anthony Picaro Can our budget support that?

    Also, I would want to negotiate that breaking the contract over non-stupid leadership is only viable if their objections are first raised with said leaders with an opportunity for redress.

  15. They agree but in the section titled "Rights of Management" demand an expedited redress process of not more than 36 hours or in an immediate combat situation in the "time that a hobbit can bleed out from a stomach wound."

    They in return will add a clause in which they promise not to "vacate bodily in any available foodstuffs."

  16. Basically they will also explicitly sign out that "non-stupid" really means totally suicidal seeming orders like charging a vastly superior enemy. But in general they are reputed to be brave (almost insanely so) in your typical battle situation.

  17. Awesome. Even if the budget can't support it right now, I can finance hiring one unit.

  18. Well, if the budget can, we should totally finance two units.

  19. Also, Humza Kazmi, don't you need that money for spies to investigate the Golden Barge?

  20. With two units, you get a 4th level captain (who doubles as an Evening Star Society chaplain) too.

  21. Robert Parker We're not moving on the barge immediately, and I'd like to get proper defense for our colony as a high priority. 

    The Evening Star Society are a group of folks who worship the Celestial Lady (http://hillcantons.blogspot.com/2013/06/religion-and-hill-cantons-part-two.html)

  22. Interesting. While the Celestial Lady is a much more agreeable presence than the Sun Lord, I am hesitant to allow representation of a deity from neither the Old Pahr pantheon nor the elder others to become established in our territory.

  23. I am totally for a worshiper of the Celestial Lady, for purely selfish reasons.

  24. I could also potentially hire another unit, but before I do I'd like to know if the clan ring has any other suggestions for improvements.

  25. Ba Chim follows the Celestial Lady and (now) Adalfuns, and is probably going to even set up a small Adalfuns shrine.

  26. The Holy Drunk and the Ice Queen think you should build a small pan-Pahr shrine and dedicate a holy grove in between the two Domovoy villages. Cost 400 suns.

    Okko suggests building a birch wood sauna and giving him a raise.

  27. Yes. Keep building shrines until we start running out of sheep.

    No. I may have some other Projects for Okko once I have more funds.

    Humza Kazmi well in that case I'm all for the Evening Star chaplain.

  28. Also Vostangi tells you that "the clan's virility is assured, because you have enough men on the ring" and reminds you that you have performed no heroquests in the last year despite the urging of your ancestors.

  29. I'm assuming that's a joke, but do we have a Vostangi? If so, tell him that he is welcome to help me with reenacting the reunion of the Sun Lord and the Celestial Lady.

    Speaking of which, when are you going to run the FLAILSNAILS game again? Manzy is willing to post a bounty for the return of his wife.

  30. Also, would it fuck up your NTRPGCon session if we hired the other party to seize the barge for us?

  31. Heck, that might be a better use of our funds than hiring a full pike company. :)

  32. Naw if it doesn't work consistency-wise I will put the North Texas adventure backwards in time.

  33. I would so run a Flailsnails Barge Heist.

  34. Cool. What about the wife heist? I'm particularly interested in that (although both would be cool).

  35. Either which, after all y'all are the sponsors.

  36. Cool. Let me know when you're up for running something of the sort and we'll work out the details.

  37. We might come up with a list. Lazzaro has a couple Cantons errands he'd rather not do himself as well.

  38. Sweet. A whole HC campaign with us as patrons would be awesome.

  39. That shit would just write itself for me.

  40. If y'all write up a list of what you want done, what you will pay and the rest of the particulars I can try and organize a crew.

  41. Let me make a separate post for that, then...


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