
Showing posts from February, 2014

For future reference, the cutaway of the sub.

For future reference, the cutaway of the sub.

Just recapping the close of last session before going to sleep:

Just recapping the close of last session before going to sleep: The boarding party of Manzy, Lazzaro, Fr Jack, and Taurus (hirelings of Ool, Mulmak, and Kuhnalinmminkainen) are climbing up to the barge's deck, planning on closing off the front ramp before securing the interior. Ba Chim is destroying the portside (northern) oars of the southern galley, hoping to foul it with its sistership, before joining the rest of the NN on the barge. The sub is still trapped mid-channel, and hopefully Moon Boy will reverse course and leg it.

for added reference 'n' lulz

for added reference 'n' lulz

Linking this here because I love you guys:

Linking this here because I love you guys:

What Ba Chim's spy tells you about Il Tasi'in

What Ba Chim's spy tells you about Il Tasi'in Il Tasi'in, a thick-walled town of 3000, is the seat of power for one of the the most isolated of the borderland satrapies of the Scarlet Sultanate. Located on the east coast just after the shoreline turns south, it is a bare 60 miles from the Xobi, the cold rocky southern desert in the Weird.  The town which is dominated by the two raised quartz-dome hills called the Teats of Manat was formerly called Manawat and was deeply associated with the worship of that chthonic goddess (who is said to have ruled over fate itself and “sapped the self-will and value of Men”). The ruling satrap is like other borderlands satraps both a highly-positioned courtier and necromancer, an important role in the maintenance of the undead-worked plantation system (more about Industrial Necromancy in a blog post).  Ul-Namihirra is generally considered to be a deeply incompetent in both his expected roles but survives politically by his ability to shift...

The map of Il-Tasi'in, the seat of the necromancer-satrap who has possession of the Golden Barge as drawn by Ba...

The map of Il-Tasi'in, the seat of the necromancer-satrap who has possession of the Golden Barge as drawn by Ba Chim's hired spy. More details and cleaned up map later or tomorrow.

Chris Kutalik Spell research for Ba Chim - I had started working on learning fly on the 11th.

Chris Kutalik Spell research for Ba Chim - I had started working on learning fly on the 11th. What does that take in terms of time/gold?

Nefarious Nine Jobs Board

Nefarious Nine Jobs Board Jobs that we want to farm out to other groups. Group Tasks Recover the Golden Barge - 3000 gp (?) Lazzaro Recover the Head of a Giant Bat (last seen around Bad Rajetz) - (negotiable, but will include wizard spell scrolls) Other Mysterious Task (requires direct negotiation) Manzafrain Recover Elishka - 1500 gp; 500 gp bonus for humiliating (not killing) her father

So what do we want to give the grotmen next week to keep them from kidnapping us and feeding them to the mound?

So what do we want to give the grotmen next week to keep them from kidnapping us and feeding them to the mound?


FERAL SHORE FORCES Mauve Legion Strategos: Ba Chim Hektonarch: Balazas Dekarch: Vlad 27 mercs - polearms, half-plate 8 crossbowmen - polearms, half-plate, crossbows 15 kozaks (currently sans horses) - hand weapons, leather? Upkeep - 240 suns/month (plus whatever our original 15 mercs cost).  Currently: Fortifying King's Ten and Domovillages, running patrols Emergency Levy 65 troops
Chris Kutalik and anyone else going to North Texas RPG Con, do you want to split a room?
Happy birthday to fellow Niner, trey causey! Many happy returns!

Reposting this here for future reference purposes.

Reposting this here for future reference purposes.

Anthony Picaro Could you scan your map of the Cerulean Vault?

Anthony Picaro Could you scan your map of the Cerulean Vault? Humza Kazmi and I were talking about how good that design was and I'd love to be able to visually examine the layout.

So I had no idea why Anthony Picaro 's creatures were called the Walking Wet in particular until I saw this:

So I had no idea why Anthony Picaro 's creatures were called the Walking Wet in particular until I saw this:

Chris Kutalik and members of the Nine.

Chris Kutalik and members of the Nine. Check out this pdf I have started playing around with - what do you think of the "look"?  Chris, this is your "Stormhack v0.3" that I am using. Trying out my hand at sidebars and images (soon).

Hey, friends.

Hey, friends. I just came up with the first draft of a clerical replacement, the Holy Warrior. I stole heavily from Stormbringer, which led to a more complex class than normally seen in D&D; I'm honestly not sure it works. I'd love the eyes of some better designers than me to take a look at it and tell me what they think.

Does anyone have the current force totals for our troops on the Shore, and upkeep costs?

Does anyone have the current force totals for our troops on the Shore, and upkeep costs? (from this last session) 20 former-autarch mercs led by Lt. Vlad - 120 suns/month? 15 wool-clad kozak mercs - 120 suns/month? Chris Kutalik What's the traditional role of the Mauve Legion?  Also, how do our new kozak mercs feel about horse-rustlin'?
Happy birthday to you Michael Moscrip!