Does anyone have the current force totals for our troops on the Shore, and upkeep costs?

Does anyone have the current force totals for our troops on the Shore, and upkeep costs?

(from this last session)
20 former-autarch mercs led by Lt. Vlad - 120 suns/month?
15 wool-clad kozak mercs - 120 suns/month?

Chris Kutalik What's the traditional role of the Mauve Legion? 

Also, how do our new kozak mercs feel about horse-rustlin'?


  1. No one quite remembers what the Mauve Legion did or what their kit was.

  2. Are the 20 sailors, 15 laborers, 1 carpenter, 1 blacksmith, & 1 armorer still around?

  3. Awright. Time to start getting some mauve cloaks for our forces here, then. :D

  4. We have 50 soldiers; assuming 5 sp for a cloak (AD&D PHB), that's going to be 25 gold for mauve cloaks for the lot. I'll add in another 50 spare cloaks, for 100 gp total. 

    (Can I take that as extravagance XP, or is this considered basic outfitting? Also, what's the price point on a cool unit standard?)

  5. Yeah sure, kick in another 200 for a svelte standard


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