The map of Il-Tasi'in, the seat of the necromancer-satrap who has possession of the Golden Barge as drawn by Ba...

The map of Il-Tasi'in, the seat of the necromancer-satrap who has possession of the Golden Barge as drawn by Ba Chim's hired spy. More details and cleaned up map later or tomorrow.


  1. Depending on what the spy says, we have a few options off the cuff. 

    * We could just launch a snatch-and-grab on the barge from the sub. No need to get through the fortress itself or deal with the undead barracks; on the other hand, a boarding action means it's going to be dangerous for folks in full armor, and we might not be able to take too much gear. (Although having a wereshark around may help with that. :P )
    * We could go in through the main complex. Ability to bring in more gear, and the prospect of more loot, but we've got to get through a fortress and deal with more guards/undead. (We also get to find out more about the culture and weird stuff that is in the Scarlet Sultanate, which is a bit metagame, but one of the major joys of playing.) Manzy's con abilities may be very handy here. 
    * Mix of the two above plans. Increases flexibility and ability to respond to the unexpected, but dilutes our force in any one given location and makes either party more vulnerable.

  2. In case you didn't notice the barge is being held in the sea cave harbor underneath the right Teat of Manat.

  3. Two conical hills that dominate the town. Named after the tatas of a long discarded chthonic goddess.

  4. Heh. "Road of Good Intentions." :D

  5. I'm for any plan that involves killing a necromancer and taking his stuff.

  6. Anthony Picaro ok, I'm for killing Lazarro and taking his stuff.

  7. he can always use more corpses, i guess

  8. I feel it is important to note at this point that Lazzaro has never called himself a necromancer, nor has he ever animated any corpses. The only one of us that has dared such scandalous practice is Manzafrain.

    Other definitions of the word "necromancer" may apply, but for specific comparison to what is known of Satrap Il-Tasi'in, clearly it is our portly friend who is the closer analogue.

  9. Anthony Picaro I doubt that Tazrun knows the subtle difference between what you do and what a necromancer does, or even between what Father Jack does and what a necromancer does.

  10. ah, during the enigmatic Manza Doom phase

  11. It is important to avoid such labels as "necromancer" to prevent death by pitchfork & torch.

    That's why anyone who calls Lazzaro a necromancer gets taken in the night by entirely living slimepersons.

  12. Tazrun firmly respects Lazarro's position as a secular adviser and wiseman, and will drop the issue.

  13. Pretty sure Father Jack is some kind of reverse-vampire though.

  14. "Huh.. hmm? Animate dead bodies? Yeah, I can do that."

  15. Also: Does Ba-Chim's spy remember the nature of these aqueducts? Are they elevated? Open or enclosed?
    Plus: "zombie plantation" is awesome.
    Plus, plus: undead barracks + turn undead might equal quite the distraction.

  16. The spy reports that the aqueduct runs at two levels outside the city, one as a main branch level irrigation canal, the other open air and about 40 feet off the ground. Entering the city it drops to about 30 feet and becomes covered.

  17. Outside the corelands of the Sultanate and in the borderlands areas ruled by the satraps, the undead make up the majority of agricultural work.

  18. I always wanted to sneak into a city through a Roman-style elevated aqueduct.

  19. Seriously though. Let's kill that necromancer.

  20. I have no quarrel with shanking the necromancer, but my top priority is the barge. Shanking the necromancer sounds like it'll require investigation beyond some spying..

  21. Anthony Picaro it's really just a town and a seat of power for the satrapy. Population 3000.

  22. Are the squares on the map about 50 yar.. cubits?

  23. i say we make securing the barge the first order of business; if we go after the necromancer first i think it is more likely we will have to flee without even laying eyes on it

  24. Definitely agree with cole long. While killing necromancers is cool, the priority should be the barge.

  25. there are multiple necromancer statraps we can rob and kill, there's only one barge

  26. Does anyone have any old maps of the barge?  If so, I suggest you upload them.  They might prove useful.

  27. Robert Parker 's old map:

    We have more than that explored but this was available on G+

  28. Taliesn West is not terribly far from my inlaws house and my wife and I have a tradition of cocktails in a 1930s swank Wright-designed hotel there, but no.

  29. One thing I forgot in the write up, the spy has two "reasonably" (bribe them well, he adds) trust-worthy contacts in town: a half-Kezmaroki bazaar merchant called Namoj and a debt-ridden temple judge named Nusayr.


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