A thought from the middle of sleep.

A thought from the middle of sleep. The ogres are in the two barracks flanking the corridor. They charge out when the tripwire breaks. That is the perfect time for a killing ground - Web (2x) plus the caltrops and oil. Father Jack hits the area with a silence 15' radius to minimize Eld comms.


  1. Good thought. Still, we've got to get in there--and we've got a dearth of frontline fighters for that sort of assault.

  2. Oh, and a thick coating of grease on the stairs around the scythe trap. (Having some ventriloquism of "Quick, back up the stairs!" to draw the cyclopes up and to the trap, plus making it sound like we don't have a second entryway.)

    trey causey yeah, this is true. I think that we can take them on (as things stand) with use of invisibility, sleep and web, but it'll leave us pretty dry on spells after that. I think that if we Home Alone them we can maybe take out 2, cutting it down to 4 (more manageable but still bad).

  3. We've got to find another way to get back in, though.

  4. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that at least one route exists from the Undercity (as we can see from that weird door), and probably an additional one from the Fungal Forest, but we'll need to find both.

  5. Other thoughts: tossing out hold portal spells on the two doors will seal the ogres in - that lasts 2d6 turns. (I'm assuming we can get access to or research hold portal.) 

    If we go ahead and set that up, we can seal off one of the two doors and only have to deal with three ogres at a time (manageable). A silence spell would prevent the Eld from being alerted.

  6. Have we been into the Fungal Caves before at all? Is there someplace [other than the obvious library] where we could research it a bit, or at least pick up some rumours?


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