What kind of improvements are available for the Snake and Dagger?

What kind of improvements are available for the Snake and Dagger? I'm sick of Chris Kutalik referring to our establishment as a "squat"

Setting up Marek's endgame, here.


  1. I mean that purely in the legalistic sense. No comment on the moldy walls.

  2. Marek gives you the same look he gave Vilkatis after fucking up his cloak.

  3. Look Marika spent a lot of time getting that place presentable. You can't scam someone into thinking you're regal and dignified if you've got mold all the way up the walls.

    It's down to the lower foot now at least.

  4. But actually, in all seriousness, I would like to know how I can your money into the tavern to enhance it's more eyes making ability.

  5. All that mold just speaks to the ancient and pure breeding that inhabits said "squalor."


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