Finally have some (temporary) mental space with the holiday to think about direction of Hill Cantons products...

Finally have some (temporary) mental space with the holiday to think about direction of Hill Cantons products (reading through Luka's latest manuscript is honest to god inspiring btw). I clearly need a creative project to keep me from burning out as a human being. The Cerulean Vaults seem like a pretty strong choice for publishing (self-contained not fully detailed as part of the Kezmarok undercity or overcity, a much larger project). Were there any other sections of the campaign that pop out as players? Especially trying to hone in on low hanging fruit and even micro-adventure stuff for obvious life reasons.


  1. iron spire seems self contained. the avery dungeon.

  2. Things I have thought about:
    1. an actual setting book with full color poster maps.

    2. a 5e conversion project of all the dumb classes, monsters and adventures. (Ok less fun but whatevs).

    3. The Dragon Hunt islands, Ptuj and Dolmin.

    4. My unused Amazon island stuff (though that will take some fleshing out).

  3. I can certainly help with 5e conversion of monsters. Classes are a bit harder.

  4. Luka Rejec you mean besides places in former Yugoslavia?

  5. Luka Rejec basically the adventures around this hook:
    For five long centuries the sleepy Kezmaroki-ruled island of Ptuj has tolerated with a resigned shrug its sister isle, Tolmin, lost to the Weird. Last year alas Smok, a youngish offspring of the great wyrm Zirnitra herself, descended on great wings onto the House of the Axe, a shunned temple of the cthonic goddess called the Mistress of the Mountains. Terrified Ptujians, whose rural residents have become the favored snack of the great beast, are offering a substantive bounty—to either of the two companies of northern local hero-residents--for the slaying of the dragon: gender-appropriate nubile concubines, a small mountain of the island's vintage corn liquor, a local latifundia estate, and 10,000 suns of cold hard cash. Undoubtedly Smok has accumulated—or found—great treasures of his own in the depths of that Unsunly temple.

  6. trey causey​ I suspect we could work several of the classes into 5e backgrounds (Pantsless Barbarian) or races (Warbear). Hell, mountebank probably gets folded into a modified arcane trickster.

  7. As for one-off dungeons, I really liked some of the stuff we explored in the warbear mini-campaign Chris Kutalik​ - both the dungeon we ran into on the march, and the one where Pinc hid.

  8. Bull sessions with cole long and Dennis Higgins made me want actually play 5e sometime. It's odd that I've managed to never play a session of it despite owning the books.

  9. I could see a lot of the classes being folded into options in the different classes as well...

    Black Hobbits, Feral Dwarf, Half-Ogre, Robo Dwarves, and War Bears are definitely races.

    Barbarian: Path of the Pantsless
    Bard: College of Confidence (Mountebank)
    Monk: The Way of Chaos
    Rogue: Agitator Archetype (Black Hobbit)
    Wizard: White Tradition

    Maybe make the Psychonaut mechanically like the Sorcerer or Warlock classes? Maybe that's the only one you need to create from scratch.

  10. I would also say Revoca (to include the mid-level title rules) and the Aviary. Especially the Aviary. That puppy is badass.

  11. I think someone has already done a Half-Ogre unofficially, so that one will be super-easy.

  12. Dennis Higgins that's really helpful, thank you.

  13. trey causey and Courtney did a Warbear

  14. Chris Kutalik well, I come from Tolmin. Was wondering if Dolmin was related.

    As for Ptuj - I've been there many times.


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