While I am sure Count Dante has come up before - I just want to know the following.

While I am sure Count Dante has come up before - I just want to know the following.
A) everyone who has played or intends to play a chaos monk has read his wiki page:
B) there is an NPC chaos monk of the highest level (or not) named "Count Dante" and using his personality. Chris Kutalik that one is on you.


  1. Count Dante is more Ultimate than Ultimate Pavol. #CantonUnpopularOpinion #HeKickedMyArmOffForGodsSake

  2. I cannot find a copy of Dante's infamous 1968 "World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets" - but here's a 1985 homage titled "Ninja hands of Death"
    ninjadojo.ir - www.ninjadojo.ir/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Ninja-Hands-of-Death-www.NinjaDojo.info_.pdf


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