No game tonight due to con or did I miss a post?


  1. i think this is Chris's week to Do a Politics

  2. Oh shoot good, I meant to ask if this was weekly or not! <-FNG

  3. politics night, willing to BS if anyone wants

  4. Yeah, Chris started his new job yesterday. Plus, we've got several new people coming aboard, so it's about time for one of our periodic soft resets.

  5. kreg Mosier​ 7:30 PM MST most Tuesdays. Expect spottiness in the next couple weeks.

  6. Likely to start campaign soft reset with the new blood next Tuesday.

  7. Sounds good Chris.. maybe it's time for Karl to come back from the meridian..

  8. New player head count: kreg Mosier​ James Washington​ ... Humza K​'s friend Noah, Andrew Trent (maybe), plus returning players Billy Longino​ and Dennis Higgins​ (maybe).

    Since we're at a soft reset, maybe this is an opportunity for some old hands to return? Evan Elkins​ +Jeremy Duncan Brad Ncube​ Ben L.​ Corey Ryan Walden​ Anthony Picaro​ Reynaldo Madriñan​?

  9. I'm in. Rolling character this morning, wanted a war bear, got a damn 13 on Con. Not happy.

  10. Noah is s no-go - one down already!

  11. im gonna roll up tonight? 2800xp? or first level? Chris Kutalik

  12. Can I use my Con character? Alternately I'll just roll fresh, but that Warbear was a pretty cool fella.

  13. there is a contengant of warbears and a warbear hero in the feral shore, they hang out at the tiger wrassling areana a bit when they arnt avoiding chaos monks

  14. Chris Kutalik I would love to jump back in, and could probably swing an irregular Tuesday night over the summer. But wait is it new characters? Or could I use Radomir? He's only 3rd level.

  15. Would love to play with you again, Radomir or no, Ben L.​

  16. Update: talked to Jeremy, who may land a new job soon--which hopefully will translate to a return to the HC.

  17. (I'd tag him here, but that's a no-go since he turned off notifications.)

  18. Ben L. any character that's 3rd level or lower is cool. Basically the idea is that the characters start as the lower level newbies in the Feral Shore.

  19. Oooooh, time to roll up a new character!!!

  20. Mortimer J. Grunock
    Half-Ogre 1
    S 15 D 13 Co 17 I 11 W 11 Ch 6
    Leather Armor, Large Shield, Polearm, Battle Axe, Scimitar, Pack A, 30 gp, and an absolutely miserable light riding horse (Can I change that out for an oxen or something suitably half-ogrey?)

    Somehow my parent was a sage and I have a book that the GM picks. Knock yourself out, Chris Kutalik

  21. Damn, I think my Druid hit 4th. Maybe time to try out an M-U?

  22. Just talked to Andrew Trent. He is very Interested, but his schedule only allows him to play irregularly at the moment.

  23. Billy Longino​ aaaaaaiiieeeeee

  24. I'm playing a adventurer chef (psychonaught)

  25. I'm still a creepy spider mage. But in spirit totally a chaos monk. Spiders are my bo sticks

  26. My son (8) just killed Ondrj!!!! Hill Cantons for all ages

  27. Hell yeah Ben L.! High-fives to your son.

  28. Ben L. Awesome! Virtual high five from the author. Ondrj is a dick.


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