Hey just a reminder that there is no game tomorrow because of this real world campaign event.

Hey just a reminder that there is no game tomorrow because of this real world campaign event. We've been kind of off rhythm this campaign wise for a couple months but I am committed to getting play back on track (at least for my own sanity purposes) in the next few weeks.


  1. It's thawing here so spring is near

  2. I might be able to run a fill-in in the HC slot, will let you guys know tomorrow morning

  3. Sadly I may be out for the next couple of months due to scheduling conflicts.

  4. Unfortunately, won't be able to run tonight; need to meet some people to practice for an audition

  5. best of luck on getting the part , i hope the audition is as fun as this looks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcpqnI3gXsE

  6. still got a few days, fingers crossed


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