Routine Campaign Check-In time.

Routine Campaign Check-In time. First of all apologies for the some intermittent and distracted running of the game, past the holidaze I'm raring to get back to some HC gaming. So a few things I wanted to check in on:
1. So the plan was to merge the Revoca and Feral groups together it seems to me with the breakdown of that wall with Pohansko and the now organic meeting of the two campaign crews that we have reached that point (and it's kind of nice to map it to a new year). What do y'all think? Are the parties too mismatched, just right?

2. What are y'all interested in seeing more of in the campaign for the next few months? And more concretely, what part of the world do you want to hang your hats in?

3. Things I am interested in and thus may color what gets thrown out as hooks and the like:
a. building/running a mid-sized dungeon in the Kezmarok undercity more appropriate to levels 4-8 (ie more dangerous, more payout).

b. finishing up the Aviary and some Revoca woods stuff (for publishing purposes.


  1. James Aulds Robert Parker Gus L Humza K cole long Billy Longino Mike Davison Michael Moscrip Evan Elkins Dennis Higgins Ben L.

  2. Your "A" sounds like good fun to me.

  3. I'm really excited about merging the two groups.

    I kind of want to do some exploration and travel -- at one point the "new bride for the Decade-King" thread came up and the idea of sailing to new lands on our sweet ride sounded awesome. Certainly not averse to a badass Kezmarok dungeon or finishing some Revoca woods, though.

  4. im for playing 3 times a week. and finish some revoka woods area with the bear, i think painting world will take years in game. im all for clearing out iron spire island, underwater city and tiger temple in feral shore.
    i would like either or both to sail around the world.

  5. James Aulds dude yes we need to catch up haha. I should make another list of uncleared sites again.

  6. Humza K it's funny but the Pohansko stuff made me realize that I genuinely miss certain characters when we haven't heard from then in a while. That's weird, right?

  7. I mean, we've spent 5 years letting these characters show up and occupy our minds on Tuesday nights, it makes sense that attachments form and we miss their presence.

  8. I'm up for whatever happens.  I know revoca much better though so its mysteries are more involving for me.

  9. Gus L what's remaining in Revoca is mostly pretty high-powered too so probably pretty appropriate for the mashup crew.

  10. mash up clear revoka sounds cool. perhaps there will be a portal in the big cave behind where we are now back to the painting under revoka and then to the feral shore. im sure we have cleared out some fast travel portals by now :)

  11. I can probably make an appearance or two in January, but semesters can be kind of iffy. As painful as it was to drop out of HC and cole long's game, I was actually VERY productive academically this semester and I really should continue these habits.

  12. Dennis Higgins Sure take care of your escapist world. We'll be back here in reality when you come down from the clouds.

  13. I'll think about it and get back to you. This is a follow comment.

  14. One thing that struck me this morning is that I'd like to see some more heroquesting and digging into the mythic structure of the HC at some point.

  15. Humza K I liked that direction during the Feral Shore. I was just thinking based on previous comments by the players that I'm going to officially reduce the existential threat level to the Shore to allow more exploration time. It's not totally arbitrary the party has actually done a pretty good job of sticking it to surrounding enemies.

  16. iron spire island keeps coming up, and is there still the giant sinkhole in kezmeriack that wants exploring. is event up?

  17. James Aulds et al I have part of the new big dungeon, The Syluk, under Kezmarok done.

  18. Chris Kutalik "It's not totally arbitrary the party has actually done a pretty good job of sticking it to surrounding enemies."

    Nemo me impune lacessit - the official murderhobo credo. :P


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