Pohasko set-piece battle thread!

Pohasko set-piece battle thread!

Let's get our planning and shenanigans on.

Robert Parker does Mstislav have access to speak with animals? Since it's not technically an attack, we might be able to sneak him behind the enemy battle lines and sweet-talk the mammoths into defecting (even before dropping charms on them during the battle).


  1. We should talk about your experience using Virtual Tabletop.

  2. Stary is solidifying with his commanders and gathering about 5 handpicked sneaky bears for the recue push to also cary saws and rope and spikes

  3. Tabletop Simulator? It can take a bit of prepwork beforehand to get the right pieces / kit together, but it's not too bad if you know what you need going in.

    For this mass battle we'd need a grid & pieces for each troop type; anything else?

  4. Humza K dont forget the templetes for meteor swarm and chain lightning

  5. A) Did Killer recover from the Chubby Wight Con Drain?
    B) Can he and his auxiliaries participate in the battle even if I missed last session?
    C) What happened last session?

  6. Gus L 
    A. You recovered 1d3 CON.
    B. Pretty sure yes.
    C. We met up with the third column and reconnoitered a forward base that the enemy has constructed two miles from here (destroying a sheep herding village to create barricades ... which they then burned down). Humza killed 50 of the in a solo mission.

  7. Humza K I can speak with animals, although I am not sure what we could offer the mastodons.

  8. Chris Kutalik Happy to show you Tabletop Simulator; it's pretty cool.

  9. Robert Parker freedom from their enslavement seems a reasonable bargaining chip.

    "Just turn around and leave the battle; we won't hurt you and you can live free and in the wild," etc.

  10. We want them to live free in the wild?

  11. I am sure that the chaotic good Mstislav does, at least :P

    And if it's a question between removing multiple 8 HD creatures from the enemy battle line (and maybe forging an alliance with them) or having even just some of them stay in the enemy line to carve up our troops, I'll take the first any day.

  12. we offer them homes in the feral shore with the free tiger wrasslers and proper warbear riders

  13. I think we should have a backup plan, ideally involving lots of fire arrows.  Hit the mastadons with flame and missile weapons (fireball?) at range so when they break and go berserk they crush their own side.  It worked at Asculum it can work here?

  14. do we have any more deas, are we playing this tuesday or next


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