The quick and dirty take from last week's game.

The quick and dirty take from last week's game. The party decided to mosey down to Marlinko to sell the Totally Evil magic shortsword found in the temple in Muralworld. Encountered a dessicated robber on a triceratops, killed him and tracked the dinosaur back to a gate in the western Revoca mesa.

Critter Killed: Dino-mummy

Copper headband with glowing ruby (1000 gold suns)
Sword (sold to Frantisek for 2000 suns)
400 suns in saddle bags

Exp per player: 610 (includes share for Ultimor)


  1. Did ultimore decide to continue with us on more adventures

  2. Since Nadezda was part of the group that recovered the sword, does she get a share of the profits from that? (If that's too fiddly for gold/XP splitting, or no because she wasn't played at the sale, no worries)

  3. Was there xp for getting eaten and then spit up by the shadow demon or just bad dreams

  4. I think that would set a headache-inducing precedent, personally.

    Anybody remember who played last week? I think it was me, Gus L, Billy Longino, James Aulds, and cole long. Does that sound right? (Not sure about Billy.)

  5. Okay, so was it Gus, James, Cole, and me?

  6. Okay, split 6 ways (one share to Ultimor, another for the group fund), that means we each get 566.66 GP each.

    Group fund is now 2356.16 GP.

  7. i was mostly comemting to get the take from the week before

  8. I was there, also for most of the one with the feild and the crucified walrus man.


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