Yo brain trust

Yo brain trust,
So I have this sub-level that I've written into the Frog Demon Temple in which the players can burst in on this frog demon literary salon. Robert Parker had the helpful idea of me having some sample books from the Hot Hell. I could think of 8, suggestions for the last two (can even just be a rough idea).

The Ten Hottest Books of the Hill Canton's Hot Hell
1. Applied Hedonics: Are you Pleasuring Yourself Enough at the Cost of Others? Written by the Shade of Tizzard, a rising newcomer to the Hot Hell literary scene, the author rings the warning bell on creeping weal in the City Whose Brass Towers Stand Beyond.

2. The Paleo-Soul Diet: A Homecoming to Primal Demonic Gastronomy. The case for the return to simple Cave Dwarf spirit essence-cuisine. Channel your inner Zombastadon.

3. Capital in the XXIII Aeon. Everyone claims to have read this 2,358 page exploration of demonic political economy

4. Three Word Title: A Guide to the Naming of Products Auteur and Ludic. A short, focused primer.

5. The Iron Doom Crawling Red Monolith of the Cursed Pod-God Maze. Controversial childhood memoir of bestselling Roohaznarf the Uncheckable Flame that Consumes All. Told entirely through random die-drop charts, the title and accounts of charming life events reset at the conclusion of the book.

6. The Five People You Meet in the Sun Lord's Orb. A horror novella exploring the terrors of cloying human religious sentimentality.

7. Black Hobbit Lives Matter Not. A dry, yet informative oral history of hobbit agitators in the world of Zem.

8. My Turn Again. A political autobiography of Zzatz, the eternal tyrant of the Seamless Machine. Rumored to be written by shadowy wraith-writer Mo'laliik.


  1. The Joy of Gourmet Sacrafice . A cookbook of what to do with all those extra morsels after a big sacrifice . Now with glutton free recipes

  2. Where the Red Fur Burns: A charming and only slightly mawkish tale of two hellhounds , their demon master, and how they were the best soul-devouring team in the Hot Hell.

  3. I may have overdone it.

    Vladlen Pond. A memoir of the mad hermit Feofan's supposedly self-imposed two year exile to the eponymous body of water in order to deliberately continue living after charges of tax evasion in the Corelands. The book, considered by some to be a great political manifesto and by others as something to peruse whilst hovering over the chamber pot, has nonetheless emerged as a tremendous cultural moment in the Cantons. It has become extremely popular among salon intellectuals to quote, misquote, and entirely fabricate pithy, disjointed truisms from the book during polite, and not-so-polite, harraungings. Even the youth on the streets of Marlinko have been heard reciting, "Give me the wealth that enjoys pissing on true poverty."


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