Going to be running a session of Misty Isles at TridentCon in October, with the PCs as the crew of the Ocular Bat...

Going to be running a session of Misty Isles at TridentCon in October, with the PCs as the crew of the Ocular Bat trying to raid the Isles. I think I'm going to be following Chris Kutalik 's idea from NTRPG of having each of the PCs have their own secret agenda.

So with six player slots, I'm definitely going to have the Daughter of Ondrj, Agent Xoxx, and a War-Bear.

My thought is to have Black Hobbit, Robo-Dwarf, and a White Wizard, but I'm worried this becomes a bit too fighter-y. Any suggestions on alternate classes to toss in? Any fun secret agenda ideas I should toss into the pot, as things that might help Xoxx but not be utterly opposed to the PCs' success?


  1. James Aulds Psychonaut "guide" to the Isles sounds perfect, thank you! Totally playing the alien abductee thing up.

  2. Having some extra pregens (and char replacements) is kind of important, yeah. And the Mountebank in particular needs to show up for sure.

  3. A self-righteous cleric of the Sun Lord? Likely named Pavol.

  4. You should have 4-5 back ups. I think I killed 4 characters in my session.

  5. now i want to make a quick gen table for hc specific characters


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