Radomir has been researching the following spells over the last two weeks for his EVIL LAIR:

Radomir has been researching the following spells over the last two weeks for his EVIL LAIR:

Radomir’s Unnatural Climate
Level 2
Range: centered on caster
Radius: Up to 10 cubic feet + 1 foot per level
Duration: 1 week +1 week per level

This spell creates an abiding unnatural climate of the caster’s choosing in any space up to the radius of the spell. It may replicate any season, as well as the typical weather of other terrestrial climates. For example, it may create a sweltering jungle climate, or a wintery tundra.

Ghost Spider
Level 2
Range: touch
Duration: Permanent
Components: Ghost + Spider

This spell infects any spider with a ghostly cyst. This gives the spider an extremely horrifying spectral appearance. It also places it under permanent control of the caster. The spell is broken if the cyst is punctured.


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