Re: last night's PvP action...

Re: last night's PvP action...
Not a fan of retconning, even for unfavorable outcomes. But yes I think this was unusual, unintentional and leads to unfun outcomes for all of us real life players. So this is what happened:
1. the party passed through the time/space rift from the eastern vault dungeon.
2. Charley, Pavol, and Killer all have this strange deja vu like feeling that something went horribly wrong but other than throbbing pain (you are still at whatever low hitpoint damage you had at the end of the session) your bodies are intact and you only have a vague impression of an alternative and inexplicable series of events.
3. All three of you do independently have a distinct impression that you owe an unspecified favor to Habeka the Celestial Lady and/or her closest followers.
4. The helmet also has the same vague impression and thus is not immediately hostile/suspicious. The party might consider a Remove Curse spell for the helmet (I will handwave tricking Charley but it is assumed to happen off-stage if that is what Dennis wants).
5. We will immediately go meta and pause the game to talk it out whenever a player's actions either intentionally or unintentionally goes Pvp.
6. You are still being chased by the two-headed giant.


  1. Robert Parker Dennis Higgins Gus L Ben L. James Aulds

  2. That seems more than reasonable. Thank you, Chris. My apologies to everyone for my part in this fiasco, looking forward to returning to regular play.

  3. the psychnaught is still paranoid about reading anyone in the partys brains, tastes like chaos not chicken :)

  4. Don't worry, James Aulds, Borko's brain probably tastes less like chaos and more like slow-cooked guilt spiced with an Oedipal complex. Far saner (and less prone to cause heartburn) than those chaos wazoos.

  5. As to the larger Ettin issue I suspect a fight is going to happen. I propose that the party create a big oil fire in the doorway to the ledge and then descend. Killer will try to hold the ledge as I suspect 23hp and AC0 is the best we've got, plus this is his job.

    Once at the bottom the rest of the party should pelt the thing with missiles while Killer fights defensively (if such a thing is allowed in the Cantons), and run if he falls. I doubt the giant can make it into the burrow.

  6. I like the idea of an oil fire (and I think that and caltrops might slow him significantly), but would prefer this not to be Killer's last stand.

  7. So would I but it's gonna take more then 3 rounds to descend that rope. Plus he might make it, missle fire would help a lot.

  8. Just remember that he's currently only 90 feet (a round's movement) behind you.

  9. Borko will stand with Killer, hopefully being able to fight behind him with his polearm, if that works. Only one of us would be able to get down that rope in time, I suspect, anyway.

  10. Gus L One possibility (and I admit this is a foolish Hail Mary play, but it might work):

    Killer and Ultimate Pavol stay on the platform (Pavol standing behind, because he has AC 6) and we spread oil on the ground in front of us (but don't light it). Once the party has descended and retreated into the burrow, Pavol flips over the Ettin and kicks him from behind while Killer bends over. Hopefully that will send him plummeting below for 5d6 dam.

  11. Thanks, Billy Longino. Also, sorry that this BS happened on your second game; first time in five years, just bad timing.

  12. The slip and kick has a certain schoolyard appeal.

  13. How much time do we really have to plan? This guy is literally right on Borko and Killer's heels.

  14. i am so gonna have to start buying caltrops and marbles for my characters

  15. Rope held slack between quicker PCs standing on platform to either side of entrance to passageway. At the edge of the drop. Killer and Borko dash over it and move to the side. We pull the rope taut. Ettin goes over the edge. We kill him with missile fire.

  16. My desire for Borko's sense of self-schadenfreude really wants him to have to make a check to even notice the rope. He's an idiot.

  17. i could telepathicaly levitate the rope

  18. James Aulds with how much force?

  19. unknown, completely hypothetical

  20. but i think we aint gonna have time to climb down

  21. If anyone wants to shoot me a quick summary of what happened, I am interested, because rulings around PVP are thorny and this sounds like a really interesting one.


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