So I've been thinking about the level progression issue raised by Robert Parker and it's feeding some thinking I've...

So I've been thinking about the level progression issue raised by Robert Parker and it's feeding some thinking I've had on game system. Namely that I am starting to think that perhaps D&D just doesn't fit the campaign (it's really been creaking over the last year). So I would like to take a straw poll on conversion.

Here's my short list for a new system home:
1. Runequest (Chaosium 2nd ed). Divine Magic with the Initiates, Rune Lord, Rune Priests would work reasonably well for HC divine magic. Maybe port over the Sorcery system from RQ 3rd edition for MUers and Mountebanks. Class powers could be devolved into percentages by level (10 percent per level of a skill that is relevant to your PC class). 

2. Stormbringer 1e. Many of the mechanical benefits above plus it has indirect magic (like the demons would just be converted into sandestins). Simpler system, I might lean this way. 

3. The Fantasy Trip. Have to think about the implementation.


  1. Retiring Nadezhda in favor of Sub-Baron Hassan ibn Munqidh as my backup PC.

  2. cc Humza K cole long Michael Moscrip Mike Davison James Aulds Gus L Ben L. Brad Ncube for input.

  3. James Aulds yeah maybe. I have been wanting to add a space opera dimension to things. Perhaps Zem is just a system in a subsector?

  4. I hope not I just ordered all those books to work on min maxing half ogres

  5. I'm guessing that cole long​ has it.

  6. I was hoping that it might go longer than 3 minutes.

  7. Though I would totally run Stormbringer with sandestins for reals.

  8. Even if it's April Fools I find myself completely OK with this :p

  9. Thank god that this is an April Fools joke, though. Dungeoneering with RQ is the worst.

  10. I was actually thinking today about an alternate magic system that maps closer to RQ and Stormbringer, though.

  11. Ok so you clear the bodies in the entrance cave and start down the tunnel...up looks like we are out of time for the session.

  12. Yeah, in Janell Jaquays RQ version of the Walking Wet we got through ... 3 rooms in 4 hours?

  13. Jesus, yeahhhh. That one battle at the fort in my Stormhack game took the entire session and that's quicker to run than mainline RQ.

  14. I really need to play some rune quest

  15. I think you should try converting to a board game with a spinner.

    Oh, the joke's over. nvm.

  16. Haha, I totally bought that! I was thinking "then why has Chris made all his custom classes?"

  17. That was actually ducking funny (get it?).

  18. Dammit Chris Kutalik and your 4/1 shenanigans...

  19. I've been running some GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy lately and three rooms in four hours is about normal. Which is way sped up from the first session, which was 'five gnolls for four hours.'

  20. Reminding myself to comment on this later.


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