So we are playing the Feral Shore next week (I really want to commit to getting back going forward in this year with...
So we are playing the Feral Shore next week (I really want to commit to getting back going forward in this year with the eventual retirement of Revoca). Here is the recap and update y'all wanted (the linked piece being an updated version of my previous update, make sure to read the stuff here in this post).
The Feral Shore is currently three months behind Revoca in the space/time continuum. Players can take the opportunity now to conduct a week of downtime activity before the session next week. (Some sites in the Weird bend time so I am not going to overworry integrating the two play groups.)
What Happened Last Session and During Downtime:
1. The party killed Milos the creepy hedge wizard of the Deermen in the wooded river basin to your west. Total treasure hauled out (and this was never posted) from furnishings and ancient coins totals 3,100 gold suns and a collection of three filigreed and magically-balanced spent-uranium throwing axes (+1 and an additional 30' of range). His deerman vat is existent but damaged from the burning of his wooden keep.
2. Manzafrain was raised by the Partiarch of Kezmarok (draining a large portion of the group fund). -1 to CON permanently for Manzy.
3. Okko has presented you with the bi-annual harvest and tax round-up. After costs it totals 600 gold suns for grain harvests (the population boon really ate into this, no pun intended), 1,300 for your cut of the silver mine, 700 in family household tax, and 500 gold suns offered to you as a token tribute from the Amorphoid merchants in the ruined city (the Rusevin). Grand Total: 3,100.
4. The Badgermen have taken well to their new servitude after the murder of their Ernest Borginine master. Your Yolonian allies still refuse to have anything to do with them.
5. The Badgermen have noticed small bands of Grugach (less than 15) probing into former Deermen territory.
6. 120 Kozak mercenaries are now on the shore and in the standing army. They are half-starved and a bit worse for wear but functional.
A few things to keep in mind about PCs in the shore:
1. Previous player-characters each hold the title of “Lord Patrician of the Shore” and legally hold a single hex in the cleared area of the FS. Of course the collective ownership of the cleared areas is a fact on the ground.
2. New PCs will be granted a title and a hex fief by the Decade King on the attainment of 6th level—or an appropriately heroic/useful act that reaches the ears of the DK. New players should bear in mind that the Nefarious Nine are the local rulers, catching up means both earning levels and the appropriate title (or not, it's your show).
Current Feral Shore colony population:
King's Ten fort and port: 180 humans (almost exlusively male laborers and men at arms).
Domovoy villages: 320 humans and 180 Domovoy house spirits.
Temple to All-Pahr Gods: 20 staff. Ice Queen, Holy Drunk and Vilem the Archdruid (15% of being around) presiding.
Yolonians (Blueskinned tribesman imported from the North): 160
Rarog (fire-dwarves running the silver mine): 40
Amorphoids (Sentient piles of goo in the Rusevin): 50
Wormy Goblins (also in the Rusevin): 180
The Feral Shore is currently three months behind Revoca in the space/time continuum. Players can take the opportunity now to conduct a week of downtime activity before the session next week. (Some sites in the Weird bend time so I am not going to overworry integrating the two play groups.)
What Happened Last Session and During Downtime:
1. The party killed Milos the creepy hedge wizard of the Deermen in the wooded river basin to your west. Total treasure hauled out (and this was never posted) from furnishings and ancient coins totals 3,100 gold suns and a collection of three filigreed and magically-balanced spent-uranium throwing axes (+1 and an additional 30' of range). His deerman vat is existent but damaged from the burning of his wooden keep.
2. Manzafrain was raised by the Partiarch of Kezmarok (draining a large portion of the group fund). -1 to CON permanently for Manzy.
3. Okko has presented you with the bi-annual harvest and tax round-up. After costs it totals 600 gold suns for grain harvests (the population boon really ate into this, no pun intended), 1,300 for your cut of the silver mine, 700 in family household tax, and 500 gold suns offered to you as a token tribute from the Amorphoid merchants in the ruined city (the Rusevin). Grand Total: 3,100.
4. The Badgermen have taken well to their new servitude after the murder of their Ernest Borginine master. Your Yolonian allies still refuse to have anything to do with them.
5. The Badgermen have noticed small bands of Grugach (less than 15) probing into former Deermen territory.
6. 120 Kozak mercenaries are now on the shore and in the standing army. They are half-starved and a bit worse for wear but functional.
A few things to keep in mind about PCs in the shore:
1. Previous player-characters each hold the title of “Lord Patrician of the Shore” and legally hold a single hex in the cleared area of the FS. Of course the collective ownership of the cleared areas is a fact on the ground.
2. New PCs will be granted a title and a hex fief by the Decade King on the attainment of 6th level—or an appropriately heroic/useful act that reaches the ears of the DK. New players should bear in mind that the Nefarious Nine are the local rulers, catching up means both earning levels and the appropriate title (or not, it's your show).
Current Feral Shore colony population:
King's Ten fort and port: 180 humans (almost exlusively male laborers and men at arms).
Domovoy villages: 320 humans and 180 Domovoy house spirits.
Temple to All-Pahr Gods: 20 staff. Ice Queen, Holy Drunk and Vilem the Archdruid (15% of being around) presiding.
Yolonians (Blueskinned tribesman imported from the North): 160
Rarog (fire-dwarves running the silver mine): 40
Amorphoids (Sentient piles of goo in the Rusevin): 50
Wormy Goblins (also in the Rusevin): 180
cc cole long Robert Parker Humza K James Aulds Michael Moscrip Evan Elkins Mike Davison Anthony Picaro Gus L Dennis Higgins Ben L.
ReplyDeleteI think I will pass on FS stuff this semester in the interests of actually getting schoolwork done. Revoca, I'll be there for, though.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this! I have one request for Captain Balzas, though: I'd like a tally of our standing army (beyond the Kozaks) and projected levies / allied forces that could potentially be called upon.
ReplyDelete5. The Badgermen have noticed small bands of Grugach (less than 15) probing into former Deermen territory. well, fuck
ReplyDeleteI'll post the shares of the take from last game shortly. Does anyone want those throwing axes?
ReplyDeletecole long Yup. We definitely need to run them off. Do you remember what the latest on the Deathdealer restoration project was?
ReplyDeleteRobert Parker yeah I have the standing force total on my laptop at home. Will post with the addition of the kozaks. Your troops are getting close to the civilian population of the colony.
ReplyDeleteexcellent recapp. Pickle still sits on the shore penning poems about the iron spire islands and his dreams of being a sailor
ReplyDeleteDennis Higgins Your loss. Feral Shore is a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteRobert Parker I really don't have the time to play ANY games this semester, but I need SOME kind of break. ;)
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik Thanks.
ReplyDeleteDennis Higgins Sad you won't be able to make it in for FS.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik Thank you; this is extremely helpful!
1) Wasn't Medved gonna send some war-bears as a temple guard, BTW?
2) What's the count on deer- and badger-men?
Robert Parker I think the throwing axes go in the pile for "henchman weapons." We also have more than a few +1 weapons of quality, so that's handy there as well. I can start reviewing previous notes in the community and put together an updated "NN and Friends Equipment List."
Humza K There's a pinned equipment thread in the community.
ReplyDeleteThe War Bear contingent (20) I believe is in the force total.
ReplyDeleteThe Deermen have died off with their master's death. Badger men are at 60.
ReplyDeleteRobert Parker yeah, but the pinned equipment is for magical items; there's another one which lists non-magical special equipment (like bone bows, gemodile armor, etc). I'll find it.
ReplyDeleteCool. Once you do we should consolidate them, the group fund, and our forces tally into one pinned doc for easy reference.
ReplyDeleteAlso Chris Kutalik raised the idea last night (in cole long 's game) of having a G+ doc with our character sheets all collected there, which seems really handy to me.
ReplyDeleteAlso once I find it, it'll go here:
ReplyDeleteLess thrilled about that, but for no rational reason (just a sense of ownership).
ReplyDeletei need to update mine
ReplyDeletewill convert mine to computer, its all hand drawn now
ReplyDeleteAhh, reason I wasn't finding the full equipment is because I thought it was a top level post. You were right, Robert Parker , it's all in the pinned post, but in the comments. I'll still go ahead and include it in the spreadsheet though.
ReplyDeleteAdded the group fund.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik Who was in the last session?
Also, question for the group:
ReplyDeleteHow do you want to divide our tax earnings? I'd personally suggest that they go straight to the group fund, as it was recently depleted.
Ba Chim, Manzafrain, Pickle, Taurus, Lazzaro, i think?
ReplyDeletei recommend Group Fund for the taxes
ReplyDeleteBen L. Gus L New people, here's a couple things to keep in mind about the Feral Shore:
ReplyDelete1. It is a large tract of wilderness between the Hill Cantons (which Revoca is on the southern end) to the north and Kezmarok (a once-great empire now reduced to a city state) to the south.
2. We have a very precarious hold on a small piece of territory, although we have a number of allied neighbors.
3. The greatest threats we currently face (in my estimation) are the flying serpent riders which reside in the mushroom forests to the south and the horse tribes of the Moonmen to the east.
4. We've been exploring eastward, primarily through a mountain pass to the north.
5. We've found a giant deathdealer robot buried up to its neck that we have been attempting to restore.
cole long Lazzaro seems unlikely, but possible. Well, if that is the case, then each person's take is 516.66 GP, and that'll raise the group fund to 3569.66 GP. If there are no objections (we'll wait until the end of the day), then we'll add the taxes, which will bring our group total to 6069.66 GP.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik what is the feral shores ship building capacity, how big and what types?
ReplyDeleteNot sure how I'd join in Feral Shore - I mean Killer is a 4th level fighter, but even if that's not below standard level for the game it seems that there is plenty that needs to get finished up in Revoca before moving over.
ReplyDeleteGus L i think its very survivable for a fighter, thats where pickle started with 4 levels, but then again he is handsome and a poet half ogre.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik gus does pose a interesting question, how much more revoka till a merge with feral shore
James Aulds there is no capacity (yet at least). Boats and ships have been imported as of late.
ReplyDeleteHonestly it's up to player comfort. I think a 4th-5th level fighter is pretty survivable.
But yes there's still a ton of adventuring to be had in Revoca (and I'm still enjoying running it). Gus L
Chris Kutalik What does Okko think it would take to get the ball rolling on a proper port with ship building facilities? Ditto on fully manning the barge and equipping it with weaponry (as it would inevitably be our flagship)?
ReplyDeleteWell I'd like to play next week, but it seems odd to jump one PC between the two games.
ReplyDeletei think theoretically it would take place before Killer was in Revoca canton?
ReplyDeleteGus L Perhaps One-Armed Jiri is looking to set up shop in the rough and tumble town of King's Ten and asks you to make contact with the Nefarious Nine?
ReplyDeleteAs long as I'm not abandoning the Revoca - some odd time dilation to be sure. Killer will go where ever Jiri asks, or wherever persuasive types suggest Jiri might ask him to go if he was asking. That whole unwilling father figure thing is hard to figure out sometimes.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik could you refresh my memory about that little island we explored off the coast of the FS that had like giant bird nests and weird straw idols/burials?
ReplyDeleteRobert Parker Okko will think about the port situation. You have docks at King's Ten naturally but it's on a barely navigable river. Off the cuff he thinks you need to scout a good harbor on the coast--preferably not in the marshy delta (though he thinks he could build a small port that with some extra cost for pilings and drainage could do.)
ReplyDeletecole long yes it's due east of Iron Spire Island about 1.5 miles long and has those things along with what appeared to be Nazca like stone lines and a hermit's hut.
ReplyDeleteGus L I have some Revoca news that I still need to finish up, including an update on a scandalous new float being built by that gang in Sullen A.
ReplyDeleteWe were considering establishing a port on one of the islands. If we were to clear it, does Okko think something like that would be feasible?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, the surrounding islands have good deep water harbors. Though you lose the advantage of having supply lines run from it to your settlements.
ReplyDeleteIron Spire island has an existent port that the party saw on its sail by with wide stone piers even. Of course there's one small issue...
ReplyDeletei think we need to clear out Iron Spire island in the near future. be awesome if we could get Michael Moscrip in on that
ReplyDeletecole long Yeah, that makes a lot of sense to me.
ReplyDeleteChris Kutalik Okay. What would it take to set up a small port where the river meets the sea in 21.21 for moving goods up and down river to King's Ten?
ReplyDeleteSuggested name for the river we're on: Manzasippi.
ReplyDeleteAlso, does the river spirit control the river all the way down to 21.21?
ReplyDeleteAnd (Jesus, sorry Chris Kutalik, I think we're all just excited to get back to FS) what's the progress on those hippogriffs that we've been having raised in Kezmarok? It has been almost exactly three years (2/19/13 was the date, to be precise).
ReplyDeleteWe need to dedicate a new River spirit priestess. I will throw zee name into the hat for that one if she becomes a backup to pickle
ReplyDeleteSo, I'd like to ask the downtime services of a few inactive players.
ReplyDeleteEvan Elkins Could Tazrun use his Ranging skill to scout the source of the recent Grugach sightings (or a rough area)?
Mike Davison Would TERMEX use his Engineering skill to oversee the creation of a port in 21.21?
Anthony Picaro Can Lazzarro use his Sorcery skill to research what we need to do to restore the Deathdealer robot?
Robert Parker sure sounds like fun.
ReplyDeleteCool, thanks, Mike Davison!
ReplyDeleteSo I realize I have become a habitual flake. I think what I want to do to help with that is only play in Feral Shore games and use the Revoca ones as breaks. I've been liking Revoca, but I keep missing the takes for it and I have no idea how much xp Ziz is supposed to have.
ReplyDeleteTazrun has also become kinda integral to a lot of the plot threads of the FS and so if I have to prioritize one I should do the one where I'm actually needed.
would be really glad to have you in the FS games Evan Elkins
ReplyDeleteIt'd be great to see you again, Evan Elkins. Also, say 'yes' to Ranging for us.
ReplyDelete(Mentioned you upthread, using your downtime skills to track down where the Grugach are hiding out.)
Oh I see it now. Not sure how I missed that before.
ReplyDeleteI think you should start a separate downtime activity thread as its getting hard to follow here.