Robert Parker et al.

Robert Parker et al.
Feral Shore PC-Led Forces

Standing Army/Retinue
27 mercs - polearms, half-plate (10 in giant croc armor)
8 crossbowmen - polearms, half-plate, crossbows
15 former Autarch kozaks, wool-vests, sabres
30 Ostrovan pikemen, pikes, half-plate
120 kozaks, 60 poorly mounted. Studded leather, sabres, spears, stubby tails
20 warbears, polearms (fancy special)
20?? walking wet slime-zombies

Domovoy villagers: 50, pikes, leather jack, silly morions
Kings Ten: 35, spears, hand-axes, leather jack, kettle pot helmets


  1. Chris Kutalik can the mounted kozaks use our stock of grugach bone-bows and elk lances?

  2. They can use the bows when dismounted. lances absolutely

  3. I was hoping for full on cav archers, but hell yes I'll take dragoons for now!


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