NN Master Bookkeeping Spreadsheet

NN Master Bookkeeping Spreadsheet

Contains group fund, equipment, Feral Shore demographics/military, etc. Everyone can edit this.

Take note of the various tabs at the bottom. Feel free to add anything missing.


Latest Feral Shore Map



  1. If no one is using the Rod of Seven Parts, I'll take it. Being as frail as I am, I'll take whatever protection I can get.

  2. cole long You should take the ring of walking on water, since as our heavy fighter water poses the most risk to you.

  3. i can always lend it out to someone else who needs it, right?

  4. Robert Parker my only concern with Manzy using the rod is that the acne might wind up penalizing his Cha or otherwise hindering mountebank shenanigans. Beyond that, seems fine to me.

  5. i would exercise great caution in using rod pieces at all

  6. We need a known enimies of the nine list. There are many to keep up with

  7. James Aulds I linked Anthony's "NPC listing" in my first comment; it gets us part of the way there.


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