Lest I forget, the take from last Tuesday.

Lest I forget, the take from last Tuesday. 

Slaying of the Vulture-Parrot-Headed Giant

Foiling an attempted sub-jacking

And the best rowboat-Taurus chase scene ever.

Swag Acquired:
Gold, jasper and pearl jewelry totaling 3100 gold suns

Pavuul's shitty spellbook

A metal skull cap helmet with tiny bat-like wings (magical).

Exp per player: 1140


  1. cc Gus L cole long Robert Parker Humza K James Aulds

  2. BC busts an Identify on the bat-hat once back at the shore. What's in Pavuul's spellbook beyond rope trick?

  3. is Rope Trick new to the party library?

  4. Pavuul's Shitty Spellbook (actual title): Detect Magic, Enlarge, Floating Disk, Jarring Hand, Amnesia, Rope Trick, Arcane Lock, Lightning Bolt, Feign Death, Dimension Door. Humza K

  5. I think Rope Trick, Arcane Lock, Amnesia, and DDoor are new. I think Anthony Picaro​ had Enlarge already?

  6. Amnesia sounds like it would have potential

  7. i thought Lazzaro had Dimension Door

  8. On ID spell for the Helmet. Inscribed on the front of it is Molko the Magnaminous (sic and that last part is after a scratched out "the Malefactor"). Three powers:
    1. Allows for 60" ultravision when worn. 
    2. +5 to hit/fighter one round/once per day.
    3. unknown.

  9. wasn't that part of the pig-as-bukavac test case?

  10. What do you mean by "fighter one round" in entry 2 of the helm, Chris Kutalik?

  11. That a fighter can use the bonus for one round once per day.

  12. Cool, thanks. So, that should go to either cole long​ or Gus L​, then, unless Humza K​ wants to use his Sorcery to try and divine the helm's unidentified power?

  13. Ahh Well cole long should take it - I just need some better weapons and armor.

  14. Chris Kutalik can Half-Ogres use it? because if so, it should go to Pickle.

  15. It's a small thing but yeah it could fit his head. Likely a comical effect.

  16. Yeah, will try to Sorcery! that this week, or next if we're full up on actions

  17. 516.66 GP each, group fund 6586.32 GP.


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