Buying goods came up last night (and has been on my mind because I've been plugging away on a post about "Adventure...

Buying goods came up last night (and has been on my mind because I've been plugging away on a post about "Adventure Economy"). One of my goals for the campaign is to always have interesting things to put your hard-earned cash in so a few related things:

1. In the past Robert Parker Evan Elkins Anthony Picaro James Aulds and others have made imaginative shopping lists of goods during downtime. I would encourage all of you to keep asking about such things but that we post them here so that we have a good central list of what such and such posts (unless it's secrety cloak and dagger stuff naturally). 

2. More than glad to take suggestions about things you'd like to see developed as something you can buy (or earn) in game. 

3. All of the goods and services below can be found in Marlinko. Some will show up in the Revoca market on a GM roll.


  1. On cod piece, ostentatious: apparently their are historical records of people complaining their codpieces interfered with their eating.

  2. Like it was too heavy on their internal organs or that they couldn't sit at a table for eating?!

  3. Chris Kutalik I think they couldn't sit at the table.

  4. Evan Elkins that's a hell of a mental image.

  5. How much would it cost to open a Chaos-friendly Working Man's Pub in Revoca?

  6. Simple Guides for Simple Travelers.

  7. (If those are not purchasable, Ziz will begin writing them)

  8. Man I would pay you guys hard EXP on the table if you started writing in-character travel guides to the Hill Cantons.

  9. Dennis Higgins in Revoca Town all of the pre-existing real estate options at the moment have been taken by Ultimate Pavol and Tizzard (which reminds me that those cottages are now open to somebody). 

    Your other option is to have something built which can be speeded up if you throw more money into it as bribes to the Builders Guild.

  10. I should add that Tizzard burned down five of six cottages, dragged the doors from the burnt ones to the last and now some kind of dangerous knuckle breaker type is squatting there.

    Oh there may be a short guide to Revoca if someone can read pigeon Eld and searches Tizzard's hut of doors before K.P. runs out of philosophical screeds to use as toilet paper.

  11. I am serious about awarding a modest but not trifling amount of EXP for this stuff.

  12. Ba Chim writeups will totally be a thing now.


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