Is there a link to the encumbrance rules?


  1. It's basically each item counts as a slot and your STR is the number of slots you have available in your magic backpack.

  2. I'd add as the source of these rules that I made the following concessions to the need for equipment.

    A) Torches are 3 to a slot.
    B) Throwing weapons (knives, axes, javelin, ninja stars) are 3 to a slot - though with my OD&D rules these all did damage at disadvantage in melee. Presumably a black hobbit's bombs as a unique magical weapon would also be treated like this?
    C) Oil is one a slot - 'cause it's a freaking bomb.
    D) Jewels and jewelry are not a significant item - coins are 500 a slot - less then 500 not a significant item. 
    E) I had an item called a "Specialist kit", thieves tools is an example.  It was needed to do one's skills (engineering, chemics, survival, picklock, etc) but interestingly it could also contain stuff that was weird if you could explain why it would be in a kit.  Like if an engineer says "I pull out my an oil can" ok - fine, makes sense. For stranger or more valuable small items (say a strip of magnesium) and it still makes sense (sort of) character can roll under wisdom to have it.  Also each item can only be claimed once a session and only exists in a reasonable amount - like one magnesium strip, not enough to make a huge bomb.
    F) Items like flint and steel, a pen, paper for etchings etc are not significant - they don't count.


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