A few things:

A few things:
1. News of the week here so we are nice and setfor next week: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105788250456300773414/posts/hwkzBZrWMQK

2. I am thinking about running a one (or two shot) western game with Corey Ryan Walden. Any interest from you fine folks?

3. As Misty Isles gets packed up (hopefully in the next few weeks), I think I am going to go back to supporting more downtime activity for both Revoca and (especially) Feral Shore. 


  1. Cool news. Western depends on days and times

  2. Certainly interested in a Western game. I missed your Cantones de los Montanas game way back when and I've always wanted to get in on one.

    Are we still looking at an ultimate integration of the Revoca cast into the FS campaign, as the goal?

  3. Humza K yes integration is the goal around 4th-5th levels. Starting to get there.

  4. Strong maybe on the western game but i'd rather it not displace the HC

  5. Interested in Western for sure, depending on day/time.

  6. I'll join for Tombstone. The ironic thing about making games is that while you can include the things you enjoy as a player, it can prove problematic to actually be the player!

  7. Corey Ryan Walden  whats the time diffrence for weekend games as in day here and that magical twilight yall have there

  8. I think you guys generally begin the Hill Cantons at 3.30pm my time. In the weekend I'm pretty flexible regarding time.

  9. I was thinking maybe on Friday or Sunday evenings the usual time.

  10. Friday evenings (Saturday 3.30pm my time) would work well for me.

  11. Buck that Bastard is always ready for another rodeo.


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