Happy Happy Day of your birth to the founding member of our merry band of misfits and miscreants, Chris Kutalik!

Happy Happy Day of your birth to the founding member of our merry band of misfits and miscreants, Chris Kutalik! May the grand Ol' Sol bless you on your yearly lap around his bright bloated brilliance.


  1. Thank you, kindly. That most puissant of yellow orbs has deserted us in South Texas unexpectedly today. Eventually it may be fall here.

  2. drink up for the day of the master of hosts and revelry

  3. Happy birthday, Chris! May it be an awesome one.

  4. Happy birthday Chris. Lots of sales today so people have no excuse not to buy you many toys and games

  5. Happy birthday Chris! Keep at it and you may catch up to me one of these days.

  6. Happy birthday, may the luck of cugel be with you.


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