My most recent revision of the Psychonaut class. Changes:

My most recent revision of the Psychonaut class. Changes:
1. I nerfed the mental deformations, mostly changing language that would interfere with player agency or playability. 

2. I also nerfed the powers somewhat by making most of them only usable once a day. Though you can't switch up your selection like a MU you don't have to rest and memorize to regain those powers. 

3. Changed the Vancian-like power names.

4. Changed some powers here and there trying to reduce or drop the ones ported over from MF. Replaced most 4th level powers. Retrovlution stills needs some TLC.


  1. k, quick readthrough  i have some ideas. will type them up at home so that i look like im doing work at work 

    but  a cpuple of three

    .. Broadband, as telepathy buy psychonaught can project thoughts 10 feet per level. 

    Force Blast, by crossing there arms together in the sign of an X may projects a force barrier that has a percent chance of stopping normal missles or spells cast at same level or lower or something. lasts one round. creatures trying to pass through most save or fall down. 5 foot wide and tall by level 

    jackstomp, by slamming her foot down causes a burst attack centered on self that throws out sound and air waves in a 10 foot area all around doind 1d4 a level if not saved for blast

    and i have some table ideas for the pysical deforms simple table based on Warband tables.

  2. i think deformations on the roll of one could be a minor mental or pysical, thats what im talking about on tables wise. kinda like the virtues and vices plus minor physical. makes them more fun if weird

  3. Chris Kutalik  whats the main thing you are looking for tweeks or more powers. i think level one and 2 need more , 3 is about right and perhaps one more for level 4.

  4. Both really. I think it's roughly balanced but could use some sandpaper on the edges.

  5. i see Humza K is doing editing in comments do you want mine there also or somewhere else?

  6. No that's cool to put them in there.

  7. ok, i put some stuff down, alot more at end


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