Hey all, cancelling the game tonight as I think my politiciking is going to run late (and it's going to take up a...

Hey all, cancelling the game tonight as I think my politiciking is going to run late (and it's going to take up a big chunk of the day). If folks are up for bull sessions (or maybe even running the battle wargame though I am more inclined to just chat) I will probably be around by 9:30 Central time or so. Next week is likely Revoca and I will think of a way to do catch up with Feral Shore play.


  1. I might be up for bull session and/or Misty editing. :)

  2. Humza K I am going to spend the morning filling in MI holes (artifact write-ups in the main).

  3. I'm all for chatting psych naughty class

  4. Yes i left that Autocorrect on purpose

  5. I may be able to make a chat session later. I'll see how I go.


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