Hill Cantons Magic Research and Item Creation

Hill Cantons Magic Research and Item Creation
All magic items require special materials, research and lengthy preparation times, thus they can only be made in relatively civilized environs with the proper facilities (libraries, herbal shops, scriptoriums, houses of worship, resident mages/clergy and the like).

Scrolls are the simplest of items to make, all spell casters (except for mountebanks) can make them at first level. All scrolls take one week per spell level to make assuming full-time work.

Magic users create scrolls through arcane research and the use of a wide range of obscure ingredients particular to the make of inks for each individual spells. As such the cost of materials for scroll creation fluctuate wildly as many of the necessary inputs become plentiful or scarce. Thus a magic user making a scroll must pay 50 gp times the roll of a d4 per each spell level.

Clerics scrolls are made through sacrifice and sacramental devotion to their patron deity that cost 150 gp/per spell level. White Wizards on the other hand achieve the same means by arcane research at a cost of 75 gp/level.

Example: The renowned scholar and mage Mandamus has just reached fifth level. To celebrate his new attainment of a vaunted new spell level he begins work on a scroll of the Fireball spell. Since Fireball is a third-level spell he rolls 3d4 for a total of 7, multiplying by 50 this gives him a total cost of 350 gp for the scroll's creation. It will take him three weeks of full-time work to complete the scroll.

Item Creation and Research Times
Writing a Scroll Spell Level x week
Transcribing Scroll to Spellbook Spell Level x 1d6 Days
Transcribing Spellbook to Spellbook Spell Level x 1d3 Days
Researching a Spell on the Spell List Lists Spell Level x 3d6 Days
Researching a New Spell Spell Level x 4d6 Days
Creating a Potion Spell Level x 1d6 Days


  1. cc Gus L cole long Michael Moscrip Zach Marx Weber as spellcasters. Especially note my liberal Holmesian take on scroll creation.

  2. Are there any requirements for a M-U type to create items beyond scrolls or potions, or is that beyond the scope of such adventuring schlubs as ourselves?

  3. Other items are per the rules as written.

  4. Chris Kutalik  oh awesome. I somehow missed those in going through LL earlier. (All that was coming to mind were 2e's rules, which were...prohibitive.)

  5. This is from the first HC Compendium. I feel like there were some amendments in the course of the campaign. I will have to look back through the notes.

  6. I would like to start researching Mend - what's that cost? 

    Presumably I can only make scrolls of spells in my spellbook - especially as undoubtedly the sinister spells of the Eld operate on a different sort of arcane theory and practice then most.

  7. Gus L the fastest, cheapest way (meaning you don't have to hike back to Marlinko and connive your way into a private library) is to pay Princess Zuzu, Girl Wizard for the service. She will give it to you for 250 gp or 200 gp if you sit through her tea party exhibiting no ironic detachment or sourness.

  8. Also one can pay Father Hog/Sister Sow for 1st-3rd clerical spells if necessary

  9. Chris Kutalik I'll just get that from Zuzu then, I suspect that Tizzird can sit through the tea party without "additional" ironic detachment or sourness, as it's just confusing to him. Sourness and ironic detachment are are basically his go to emotional states though - when not in a state of quasi-erotic transport over doors/portals and other literally liminal spaces, or stabbing things in a wild-eyed, depraved berserk rage while speaking in tongues.

    So $250 or $300 GP cause he'll insist on the tea party.

  10. 225. She takes amusement in seeing an Eld in a frilly pink party hat.

  11. is the White Wizard 75/level multiplied by the 1d4?

  12. cole long no that's a flat cost. So 75 for a first level scroll, 150 for a second and so on.


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