For the time being this is how the Thief class will be in the campaign.

For the time being this is how the Thief class will be in the campaign. The slightly shittier first level should be a non-issue with the 2800 exp start. I may introduce some of the bits Gavin is working on in his revision too.


  1. I did a similar thing with an OD&D thief variant (using d6s for skills). You don't get the granularity of a percentage roll, but I like the simplicity of a d6. It seems like less to keep track of.

    I like how you've included the choice for additional skills to spend wherever. That's probably one thing I'd consider with mine (although, the purpose of mine was to mirror the OD&D thief in terms of skill progression). I like that at 1st level you maintain the spread of 1st level thief skills found in most "basic" or "classic" games. I like that low level grind of...well, being shitty.

    I let the thief use a shield in combat (not during sneaky thief things though). I don't really see a problem with this as it bolsters their AC very slightly, but they are still required to forego the good armour of a warrior. I know it's not by the book, but I have a soft spot for thieves, and realistically if they are skilled in sword use why wouldn't they be able to use a shield?


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