Reading this today kind of nails why "Kirbyesque cosmic crackle" keeps appearing in the Hill Cantons in Hyperborean...

Reading this today kind of nails why "Kirbyesque cosmic crackle" keeps appearing in the Hill Cantons in Hyperborean and Eld sites. (Though I think Kripal is pretty earnest about this stuff.) 
"For Kirby, the human body is a manifestation or crystallization of finally inexplicable energies—a superbody...What Mesmer called animal magnetism, Reichenbach knew as the blue od, and Reich saw as a radiating blue cosmic orgone becomes in Jack Kirby a trademark energetics signaled by "burst lines" and a unique energy field of black, blobby dots that has come to be affectionately known as the "Kirby Krackle"...The final result was a vision of the human being as a body of frozen energy that, like an atomic bomb, could be released with stunning effects, for good or for evil."
- Jeffrey Kripal, Mutants and Mystics


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