I was thinking after last night's game that is probably time to run a mini-campaign for a couple sessions to avoid...

I was thinking after last night's game that is probably time to run a mini-campaign for a couple sessions to avoid D&D burnout. I know y'all have some pressing player goal biz, I don't want to kill that (and am happy to just pause it for a bit). But if I was going to run something next week, I wanted to take a quick straw poll about what y'all might be interested in. Rate by order of preference. 

Here's the menu:
1. Top Secret. A defector-extraction mission in a neutral(ish) Ruritania circa 1978. Probably just Op Sprechenhastle reskinned.

2. Traveller. Either finishing the Werewolf asteroid or something else.

3. Boot Hill. Shoot em up.


  1. also if at all possible i'd like to hold off the minicampaign one more week so i can finish hitting gnomes with a mace

  2. There's probably a session's worth of exploration on that complex so yeah (maybe shorter or longer depending on what you do).

  3. I'm always up for Traveller, but I might make a new guy so we don't have too many criminal doctors.

  4. That issue of Space Gamer flagged by John Till with the complete Planet of Adventure write up for Classic Traveller is the shiniest set of ADHD keys I've seen in a while.

  5. and yeah werewolf asteroid for Traveller, becuase Dr. Buckingham wants to get in early on the ground floor of the black market werewolf testosterone game

  6. Danna may play with us if we do Top Secret (apparently she played a few sessions of it bitd).

  7. boot hill first choice,  neutral on others .
     sorry you are getting burned out on the game, i thought last night with the tunnels and traps was very fun and after the last trap the tension level if a tunnel crawl was really heightened.  now im wondering if the FS could be riddled with tunnels and these little guys coming out everywhere, if they are going to start blowing up things and so forth.

  8. I do want to play Top Secret again, but I agree with the above about doing DnD again next week to kill off the rest of those freexin murder gnomes, then playing Traveller after that.

  9. And yes, Werewolf Asteroid Station, definitely.

  10. To be clear I'm never really burned out on the main campaign (to date at least). Just some D&D fatigue in general (writing for it in my spare time doesn't help). Glad you are liking my VC gnome tunnel complex.

  11. boot hill would me my 2nd choice. i am not really interested in top secret at all.

  12. Evan Elkins is there such a thing as too many criminal doctors?

  13. I am the same as cole long then but like run whatever you want.

  14. Well hmm the asteroid would take less work since it's already there. That's a good thing.

  15. All are of interest to me, although I want to ride around in a mecha, dammit.

  16. Will queue if you have room. I can go standby night of to give your regulars preferred seating.

  17. This will probably start before I'm back, but my preferences would go Top Secret -> Boot Hill -> Traveller. All three sound Pretty Damn Legit but I have wanted to play TS for a very long time. 

    Also missing a VC tunnel gnome complex? On the one hand I am sad, on the other hand that sounds deadly.


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