The quick take from last Tuesday's game.

The quick take from last Tuesday's game. As mentioned in the event invite two BFD events occurred (removing the void next to the Domovoy villages and entering the Norker mecha).

Critters Killed:
Black oozy/wispy rodent beast

Exp per player (mostly from bonus for both events):  1420


  1. cc Robert Parker Michael Moscrip cole long James Aulds

  2. Sweet, that's gotta get the domovillagers happy and boost their morale. What triggered the void collapse? Does the collapse adjust the domovillages from Weird to Borderlands?

    (Y'all didn't get that energy cannon, did you?)

  3. Humza K some kind of effect of bringing the rod of seven parts pieces in contact with the edge of the void

  4. The rod was made by the Lords of Law. Makes sense.

  5. Did we determine that something like 25 mend scrolls are needed.

  6. to mend the glass tubes in the machinery of the mech

  7. OK so BC is not available for adventuring for a while. In downtime, could he go and (after getting a copy of the spell) just cast it 2x/day for 2 weeks to get that component done Chris Kutalik ?

  8. Yeah that's fine. I will have to roll to see if you can get of the shards together to mend all the tubes.

  9. that seems like a thing a sandestin could be good at

  10. Yes hmm with a successful sandestin spell I will say with much grumbling the creature will pick it up.

  11. Humza K Could you also identify the two pieces of the Rod of Seven Parts?

    Chris Kutalik How much to have a blacksmith create lead tubes to surround the glowing green rods?

  12. Robert Parker​ yes, I had put the IDing as part of my downtime activities last week I think?

  13. Robert Parker yes but the lead has to be imported from Kezmarok. I will say two weeks turn around with a cost of 500 suns.

  14. Chris Kutalik do the Rarog have any lead or at least  know of any convenient lead deposits?

  15. cole long I just rolled and they do and are willing to make it available over the week for their "dearest allies." In fact they are feeling quite financially comfortable as of late and will provide the raw materials for the pipes at least for free.

  16. Is it time for the ten kings building inspectors to show up for a tour of the mines again, looking for safety violations and hidden rooms of silver I wonder

  17. Let's get what we want from them first (excavation and lead tubing) before shaking them down for more money.


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