No game tonight, too much to do before I leave for North Texas tomorrow. Sorrys!


  1. I should make it to Jackson Ms. today (leaving the house about 6pm tonight).

  2. Drive safe, Mike. That's a pretty good haul.

  3. i take it our loot is safe on the mountain top with the hill cantons having some flash floods this week? :)

  4. James Aulds yeah various 1-2 hit dice berserkers and monsters keep wandering up the stairs from the first level of the dungeon, going "oh fuck" and running off.

  5. wait wait, do they want a job, we could totally hire them

  6. I also need more test subjects. The DK's slime zombies won't generate spontaneously, y'know.

  7. Ha. It would be hilarious to destroy some 1-2 HD critters.

  8. Well you are sitting on a couple floors of mooks.


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