No game tonight James Aulds cole long Robert Parker Evan Elkins Michael Moscrip, we will return next week.

No game tonight James Aulds cole long Robert Parker Evan Elkins Michael Moscrip, we will return next week. IN the mean time what do y'all want to do in the short run (so I can help prep that shit)?


  1. That's different than the Deathdealer robot, right?

  2. Quick (?) downtime tasks: 
    * reincarnate Mad Mox 
    * hire those Kozaks from Kezmarok (Kezmarokozaks?)
    * Investigate these rods that may come in seven parts. What can we find out about them with identifying and shit?

    Short-term goals:
    Check out the Zardox Head
    Kill some of these asshole wizards scattered around the shore
    Clear out the Eld complex near the Domovillages (bubblecars are bad but can they really stand 3 or 4x lightning bolts to the face?)

    Medium-term goals:
    Recruit new mercs (amazons, scarlet sultanate troops, maybe Ostrovan mercs if the city has recuperated a bit)
    Grow population base to where we can start recruiting and training from our own populace

  3. You currently don't have a way to get into the bottom of the deathdealer head.

  4. Do we have a way to get into the top of the head if not the bottom

  5. Short term. Kill wizards. Over fly iron spire. Investigate underwater city

  6. Yes you can get into the head levels that were being used by the norkers as their main base. The hatch down into the neck and presumably the body is sealed and seems to need a slender glass activation rod (you have some that didn't work last time). So maybe you need another similar rod or other magical opening device.

  7. So EDIT on my comment above that really should read "you haven't figured out yet how to get in there."

  8. we should investigate the crashed rocked with our radsuits

  9. We have néw rods some in rusivib and tool off d3vil truck

  10. Okay, cool. Given our upcoming need for naval defense, I'd also put returning to the underwater city in search of allies / a leg up in the medium-term goals. Also, establishing a road to Marlinko in case our relationship with Kezmarok deteriorates is probably in order, as well as finding and sealing/controlling the portal to the Grugach dimension.

  11. Did the devil faced truck look look the death dealer head. Perhaps they are like hill cantons decepticons

  12. James Aulds i think it looked like the Motorhead logo

  13. Robert Parker re: naval combat, you've just reminded me that we need to get the barge in better shape, some weapons, and some dedicated crew.

  14. We have a lot of stuff to do. :)
    I'd like to try some rods in the deathdealer head and check out the rocket tower using the rad suits.

  15. Oooh. Nice call re: rad suits.

    (note: we'll need to memorize mending a bunch for that adventure; any combat could tear the suit.)

  16. Also, speaking from a purely commercial standpoint, I'd kind of like to explore the Red and Black dungeons of Kezmarok.

  17. I would also like to explore those dungeons but mostly because I want to explore dungeons super-bad.

  18. For the sake of transparency about my Pahr exorcism/re-dedication ceremony: 

    I would like to take the Tiger Temple as my holding, but I want to rededicate it to a Wolf god or a deified version of Romulaik.  Since y'all bought out the tiger wrestling thing, I'd like to keep a wing of it as the "Old Tiger Temple Museum and Casino," but I want most of it dedicated to good, Pahr things.

  19. Evan Elkins the ritual purification can be done by Archdruid Vilem if you provide 1000 gold suns worth of blood-apricot kolaches and plum brandy. Also you still need to clear the inner sanctum on the first level.

  20. The rededication could also have a 'passing of the ways' with Pickle wrestling another tiger as the inaugural event.

  21. (not to speak for James Aulds , I just figured that Pickle would like the idea of more wrasslin')

  22. pickle might wrassle two to demonstraite the dicotomy of nature and the duelness of the universe in an ever flowing world of orange and black, but only if Ba Chim plays bongos and Taurus a mandolin 


  23. I would suggest you wear a wolf costume while you do it, but I'm worried that might set off an accidental hero quest.

  24. i need to know more about this tiger temple, was there a play report on it

  25. Evan Elkins I just figure that most anything mythic we do is liable to get us into a heroquest anyway. (Which is something I really like.) 

    James Aulds See here: and

  26. I want to do a heroquest pointcrawl thing at some point.

  27. Yeah, I just figure if there's going to be one that's wolf-centric it should be me doing it.

  28. Evan Elkins Ah! You'll need a tag team match then. :P

  29. Tazrun's 7 strength isn't so hot for Wrasslin'.

  30. Taurus plays the concertina, actually, James Aulds

  31. i kinda figure the bears might like wrasslin also. and no wolf outfits for pickle, he is more into cranes, herons, and koi motif stuff but dosnt know why

  32. ok, reading those, Humza K  why arnt you still a wereshark? was that blackened plate mail magical and what happened to it.

    what did gradfather tiger look like? didnt see a description

  33. James Aulds​ Shark Ba Chim got his throat ripped out by Lady Szara the Strigoi. I think Reynaldo Madriñan​'s Wiggum has the full plate.

  34. so if i am following we need to go reclear the tiger temple for Evan Elkins to have it rededicated to the phar gods and claim it as a hex, is that the plan. and we are to be super careful with ropes


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