so what does this mean for the feral shore, cut off from supplies or just treated as another petty kingdom?

so what does this mean for the feral shore, cut off from supplies or just treated as another petty kingdom?

Originally shared by Chris Kutalik

And now the Hill Cantons News...
In Marlinko, visitors who had to be content viewing symbolic (and practically useless, but delicious) city maps made from kolaches (sweet rolls) and minced pork in the past will now thanks to the talented if eccentric cartographer Rejeka the Clean-Lined have a functioning map to navigate that strange city on the borderlands. The first gazetteer and high society guide is also rumored to be rolling off the hand press “late this week or next.”

Despite weeks of delays the Daughter of Ondrj is mounting another expedition into the supposedly-bucolic Misty Isles. Murderous hoboes of the second to fifth ranks should inquire at the Mongotorium bath house in Marlinko. 

There's nothing like the fever-pitch joy of a festival in Kezmarok. The half-millennium of siege brings all soirees and expressions of joy and tradition into sharp relief. The unaccustomed upbeat tone of the half-ruined metropolis as of late with the return of Lower Kezmarok from its prison plane and the radical rejuvenation program of the Decade King have whipped up enthusiasm for the city-monarch's revival of a long-dead traditionally holiday, Day of the August Admiralty—a tradition abandoned due to the singular fact that Kezamarok has lacked a navy with capital ships for centuries. 

But today with gay banners fluttering and polished steel glittering five stately, broad-beamed gallegas sailed out of the newly-built Grand Arsenal in the lower city. Heaping banquet tables provided gratis by the Great Hostels (by way of a minimum of coercion by the state) packed in thousands of revelers, but the true climax was the hour-long speech and official announcement of a massive shift in Kezamaroki foreign policy: a multi-point “reconquest” program humbly titled Self-Evident Destiny.

Restoration of the naval might of the Kezamroki empire. 

Citizenry for retired mercenary“Bonders.”

Elevation of Five Banners society leaders to key elements in the military.

Terribly unsubtle hints to the petty kingdoms of the Southlands that are to be “reintegrated” into the Kezamorki state. 

The Feral Shore:
The Feral Shore Company is officially dissolved in the eyes of the state. 

Any Lord of the Shore who served in “three or more sessions” in the last year is to be raised above the lower and mostly ad hoc titles of before into the Golden Registry with the official title of Lord Patrician of the Shore and an honorary title to be awarded individually at a future date. 

Each lord is officially granted ownership of a two-mile hexagonally-shaped fief and a selection of a “class appropriate but somewhat dull magical weapon that will enable a full 10 percent chance of hitting an enemy more and corresponding but variable effects on damage.” 

The Lords of the Shore are to swear fealty to the newly-annointed High-Boyar of the Shore, Gurgi, the delightfully-entertaining and charmingly hairy Master of Tables. 

The so-called Mud Meridian is to be colonized with a second expedition of “noteworthy heroes.” The former Company is to be “officially commended” in its efforts for maintaining a border force in the area. 


  1. James Aulds Yeah, just repinned it. It used to be up top; now it has returned to its rightful map-linky glory.

  2. Jack will take hex 2118. It has the only the drinking establishment.

  3. should we try to claim adjacent hexes or spread them out?


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