This is a reminder thread (for myself) to deal with Anthony Picaro's relevant downtime activity.

This is a reminder thread (for myself) to deal with Anthony Picaro's relevant downtime activity. A Supernatural domain check at 2d6 is sufficient regarding the axe, deeper research at 3d6.


  1. Also a check for locksmith or engineer henchmen arriving with the flotsam tourists.

  2. Hmm I will say Steward 2d6 to entice a skilled worker from the Cantons.

  3. This is a reminder post for myself to make this roll when I arrive at my dice.

  4. 2d6 roll: 5 (success)
    3d6 roll: 12 (failure)

    Is that a roll that can be repeated after time or gold expenditure?

    Random rule idea: If appropriate, domain checks may be rerolled after a suitable time has passed, but doing so requires the expenditure of (d6 × 100 × degree of failure?) gp to undo mistakes and refocus efforts.

  5. I like that idea quite a bit. I might need to think about whether it needs a variable rate for different activity but I like the overall mechanic.


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