Robert Parker had the bright idea to crowdsource to the Nine a carousing table for Marlinko with some specific Hill...

Robert Parker had the bright idea to crowdsource to the Nine a carousing table for Marlinko with some specific Hill Cantonsy items. We had fun brainstorming a few last night. 

Ok so far this is what we got:
1. Woke up naked and hung over on the cold dark floor of the Tomb of the Town Gods.
2. You're jonesing for your next hruz hruz (hallucinogenic mollusk paste) fix. Welcome to addiction.
3. Got wasted last night and stole a giant robin from Hurloj's guild. Oh shit. 
4. Dueled a bravo in Sullen Apiarian contrada and just a nasty cut. (Start the adventure with XX less hp?)
5. Apparently one can indeed eat too much white gravy and halushky.


  1. x. Covered in dried blood. You may be a new initiate in the Church of the Blood Jesus.

  2. Wait, where did this idol come from? Ratchet up the Chaos Index by __

  3. cc Humza K James Aulds Anthony Picaro Evan Elkins

  4. x. You pronounced the plum brandy wrong, and are now technically an indentured servant.

  5. Even a busted watch tells the truth twice a day.

  6. that's not gonna turn out well! James Aulds


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