No game this Tuesday. Bronchitis has me down if not out (yes I've been a hot mess recently).


  1. Jalapeño filled with orange marmalade and wrapped in bacon. Grill till crisp each side. Sure fire cure and feel better

  2. Hell I would eat that even if I didn't have a sore throat.

  3. That sucks. Here, have a story about bears:

    The Kustatan Bear Story, featuring:
    ● Fascinating mix of Alaska Native (Dena'ina) & native Californian elements (observer was Alaska Native who had been to Fort Ross with Russians as a laborer)
    ● Shaman duel, including 2 shamans stuffed in a bear suit
    ● Blessed bear-slaying bullets made with Orthodox magic
    ● Figurines of Wondrous Power (Cedar Dog) used to create a famine
    ● Weird addendum about a demon moose
    ● Events somewhat corroborated in journal of local Russian priest

  4. Brutal. Get well, dude. Let me know if you need to skip the Hydra meeting.

  5. Feel better; breathing is good!

  6. Bogus man! Feel better. I am here taking care of my wife whose glands are all swollen so she can't talk.

  7. Thanks all. I'm pro-breathing for the record.

  8. Oh hey Chris Kutalik I got Folktales of the Amur in the mail today (it is gorgeous) - apart from that and like Dersu Uzala is there anything else you can recommend on the pre-Soviet Russian Far East?

  9. I read The Reindeer People by Vitebsky about the Eveny people but it's a contemporary account with a lot of emphasis on the shitty things that happened in the Soviet era. There's not a lot in English though I've been eyeing this book about traditional art in the Amur basin.


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