Downtime Thread For 2/3 Session

Downtime Thread For 2/3 Session

Let's go talk with those Fire Dwarves about the mine output! I can't find the post with the downtime system unfortunately.


  1. Does increased production require supervision

  2. cole long Yeah that's the one. Don't know why it wasn't showing up in a search.

    So talking with the Fire Dwarves seems like it's going to be Skullduggery, we don't have anyone on the clan wheel who can help us with that.* If Robert Parker is amenable, maybe Manzy at Skull 10 going over to run negotiations with the Raurog? 

    *Something to look into for future clan wheel selection.

  3. Is it possible to talk to one of the Advisor Ring (Okko maybe?) and ask them to handle it? Would this be a Steward task, or a Skullduggery task? (iirc, negotiation was under skullduggery.. ?)

  4. whos in charge of bar permits? :) 
    in order to have a monopoly of the state on bars, we should all open one devised in our idea of the perfect religious watering hole, we can put them all on one street and encourage tourists. :)

  5. cole long , please put down the stick :)

  6. Father Jack is still inconsolable about the loss of a Tavern... as he sits in his usual spot in the drinking hall, getting drunk.

  7. One thing to point out about the bar is that while Taurus was beating him the guy did offer to merely draw a salary while running a bar that we own.


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