Revised Feral Shore Domain Rules

Revised Feral Shore Domain Rules
Domain Skills
Each PC can take a Major concentration and a Minor from the following list and computes their skill on the second chart below. 
1. Martial (Strategy, Tactics)
2. Sorcery (Magic, Science)
3. Supernatural  (Religion, Mythic, The Weird)
4. Skullduggery (Intrigue, Diplomacy, Criminal)
5. Steward (Planning, Economic)
6. Ranging (Scouting, Hunting, Expeditions)

Domain Score
x1 level for your Major
x.5 level for your Minor
+/- best single ability modifier for INT, WIS and CHA 
+/- special circumstances (things like education in a certain skill, upbringing, etc)

Example: Kraggo of the Mountains is a 4th level fighter with a 7 INT, 11 WIS and 17 CHA. He takes Martial for his Major which gives him for 4 for his lets plus 2 for his CHA for a total of 6. He takes Ranging as his minor for a total of 2. 

Domain Ring NPCs
The Domain Ring is your team of NPC advisers. Beyond providing for gamable action points in and between sessions Ring NPCs are the ones taking on the actual (and often boring and/or granular) tasks of running the demense.

Delegating work to the Ring represents “rule by sinecure” inherent for a game where the PCs are adventurers first and has a mechanical advantage as such.  A single PC can add their skill level (must be the exact skill being used by the NPC) to any domain action roll taken by a Ring NPC. 

Current Ring Members:
Okko, Steward 6
Balzas, Martial 4
The Holy Drunk, Supernatural 3
Priestess of Marzana, Sorcery 3, Supernatural 3
Yolo (Blueskin elder), Ranging 5
Vilem, Supernatural 16

Domain Action Resolution
If there is a particular situation that I think will call for a roll against an appropriate PC or NPC's relevant skill. The relative difficulty of the course of action described will be adjudicated secretly from my judgment of what is described. 

Near Impossible: 5d6 against relevant Domain Skill
Unlikely: 4d6
Fair: 3d6
Good: 2d6
Excellent: 1d6
Slam Dunk: 1d6-3


  1. Can specialist henchmen (K, in this case) act as Ring members or assistants for their specializations?

    Ba Chim:
    Martial 8*, Sorcery 5.

    *plus any landsknecht circumstance bonus you see fit to apply

  2. good question. I am going to say that they can but can only do so if they have devote most of their energy in the period working on the project. In other words they can't be actively adventuring in a session if they are working on the project.

    So for instance Mad Mox could easily do something (if you weren't terrified about his hands being on the project that is) since cole long doesn't use him in active adventuring.

  3. Not that TERMEX has been around lately but what the heck:

    TERMEX v1.5:
    Martial: 7
    Steward: 4

  4. Termex reminds me that maybe there needs to be something like Engineering?

  5. Awesome, in that case K is Ranging 4, Steward 2. Outclassed by Yolo and Okko, but able to help them out as needed (and able to boost past Yolo eventually).

  6. Engineering seems like it would be a combo between Martial (fortifications etc) and Steward. 

    If you decide that it ought to be a seperate thing, then BC will probably take that as a minor instead of Sorcery.

  7. Lazzaro - Sorcery 9, Supernatural 5
    most common special circumstance probably Horrifying Early Modern Medicine / Surgery

  8. Not sure whether the appropriate secondary for Taurus is Supernatural (old pahr stuff) or Skulduggery (looking in people's windows while they sleep)

  9. The Skulduggery reasoning has come up more in sessions, though most of the Nine could probably secondary in Supernatural by this point, having each actively shaped the mythic landscape at one point or another.

  10. Im guessing PIckle woule be Martial, and i guess Ranging secondary but im not sure on secondary. Thoughts?

  11. i could see Steward but ranging isn't unreasonable. Arguably even sorcery if his scribal background taught him some theoretical if not practical points on magic

  12. Father Jack: Supernatural 8, Skullduggery 4

  13. Yes Engineering will be primary and military secondary for TERMEX if you go that way.

  14. I know Tazrun wants to pick Skullduggery and Ranging but I'm not sure which should be his major and which his minor.

  15. we could probably make more use out of the primary ranging since we have more redundancy in skullduggery

  16. Survival also seems used more in sessions than Stealth I think (though Search trumps both).

  17. That would put me at 
    Ranging 10
    Stealth 6

    Unless y'all think I should do martial or something.

  18. you mean Ranging 10 Skullduggery 6?

  19. You have achieved optimal domaining, Evan Elkins .

  20. I just figure if I still want to be King of the Pahr I need to have still in Skullduggery.

  21. You know, for a second I thought that said Skullbuggery
    But I guess Jack will still take it anyway.

  22. If I was playing him like I do my Crusader Kings guys I'd be Martial primary Skullduggery secondary.

  23. You should totally think Crusader Kings when it comes to the skills and their use.

  24. Now I kinda wish the party members had little green and red numbers next to their name so I can know which of them would want to assassinate me if I had them do my skullduggery for me.

  25. I literally laughed out loud.

    My Lombard Duke of Capua in my recent CK game developed the Lunacy trait. I got an event in the game where in a crazy fit I fired my Chancellor and replaced him with a horse named "Lord Glitterhoof." Hats off to the sense of the humor of the game designers there.

  26. With the way of life expansion I had a guy who was paranoid keep finding out that his wife was cheating on him.  I think I killed like 12 of them.  It was weird and it only told me I had the paranoid trait when I lost it.

  27. What was Lord Glitterhoof's Chancellor rating??

  28. Also I had the king of france declare the turnip as the official currency because of how  virtuous it is.  The resulting rebellion is why my dynasty is the French monarchy now.

  29. Clearly I need to pick up Way of Life...

  30. There was a super bug in it (none of the AI powers could disband their levies and thus declare war) until recently so better you waited.

    Way and Charlemagne are pretty cool together.

  31. Also..
    Lady Isris Sime-Dulac: Martial 6, Steward 3
    Karl Smallberries: Skullduggery 4, Engineering 2

  32. Manzy:
    Skullduggery: 10, + any bonuses for being a Mountebank
    Steward: 5, + (again) mountebankerry

  33. Reviving this: Chris Kutalik is Engineering a separate skill now, or still folded into Steward? (Relevant to assigning our downtime actions.)

  34. So, I'd like to propose that an additional bonus be granted to PCs by class (as that neatly fits the 'special circumstances' category). Here's what I've come up with:

    Special Circumstances (by Class):
    Assassin: +2 Skullduggery
    Beast Master: +1 Ranging, +1 Supernatural
    Black Hobbit: +1 Skullduggery, +1 Steward
    Chaos Monk: None
    Cleric: +2 Supernatural
    Druid: +1 Ranging, +1 Supernatural
    Elf: +1 Sorcery, +1 Martial
    Feral Dwarf: +2 Ranging
    Fighter: +2 Martial
    Half-Ogre: +2 Martial
    Illusionist: +1 Skullduggery, +1 Sorcery
    Magic-User: +2 Sorcery
    Monk: +1 Martial, +1 Steward
    Mountebank: +1 Skullduggery, +1 Steward
    Paladin: +1 Supernatural, +1 Martial
    Pantless Barbarian: +1 Martial, +1 Ranging
    Ranger: +2 Ranging
    Robo-Dwarf: +2 Steward
    Thief: +2 Skullduggery
    War Bear: +1 Ranging, +1 Supernatural
    White Wizard: +1 Sorcery, +1 Supernatural

  35. Oh, and Elf (for Ba Chim): +1 Sorcery, +1 Martial

  36. The one category that has a poor point spread is Sorcery, but that's unavoidable (MU, Illusionist, Mountebank, and White Wizard are the only sorcerous classes, and Skullduggery/Steward are better fits for the Mountebank).

  37. Humza K yes it's folded in.

    Robert Parker I'm inclined to say yes (especially based on elbow work).

  38. Chris Kutalik Cool. Realized that we're missing the skill of one clan ring member: Komos the Autarch, who I imagine would be a master Steward.

    That actually begs the question of Engineering as a separate skill, which was raised earlier. I imagine Okko would be a great engineer, but perhaps not the best Steward.

  39. Chris Kutalik Okay, I'll go ahead and update both PC and NPC stats to reflect that in the spreadsheet. Thanks to Humza K for all the great work on that, btw.

  40. Unknown classes:
    Yolo: Ranger?
    Okko: Thief?
    Komos: Mountebank?
    Zlatica: Magic-User? White Wizard?

  41. Dennis Higgins Gus L Brad Ncube James Aulds cole long Under the demographics tab in the Nefarious Nine Bookkeeping spreadsheet, I would really like it if you put down your Domain Skills (rules are in this thread, and make sure to add bonuses for your class, which you can find in the comments). The spreadsheet is pinned to the top of the community, or click on this link:

    The same goes for Ben L. and Corey Ryan Walden, although they have been absent enough recently I don't remember their characters' names. (Also, you guys some come play with us more.)

  42. Robert Parker Killer is a Level 4 Fighter with a 14 CHR (A +1) and has the domain skills of "Skullduggery" - emphasis on crime not diplomacy - of 5 and a "Martial" minor of 3, mostly related to kicking in doors and running a gang of thugs.

  43. Robert Parker I would love to, but this year has proven to be immensely hectic, in addition to the bastard timezone differences.

  44. You only add your ability to the Major skill, right?


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