Is a hard copy / lulu copy of Slumbering Ursine Dunes available now to the general public to purchase?

Is a hard copy /  lulu copy of Slumbering Ursine Dunes available now to the general public to purchase? I wanted to pimp it in a few places as I got my hard copy and think it's pretty sweet. When I search online all I see is the pdf available, thanks


  1. UPS is supposed to deliver the proof this evening.

  2. 'United Punch em' and smash em'' - at least they're unionized ha ha. I had just skimmed over the pdf as I am not a pdf guy, but actually read the lulu book last night and like it a lot. My only little comment is that I wish there was a way for that one page with the pointcrawl map on it to stand out more - or be more legible with the art etc.. I don't think lulu prints color maps inside books or offers separate fold out maps etc so I guess you are at their mercy on that

  3. The DTRPG edition interior is printed more boldly, but yeah at that size the map is still a bit cramped. A shame really.


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