Hey all, sorry about the abrupt end to last night's session.

Hey all, sorry about the abrupt end to last night's session. Truth be told I've been fighting off depression in the last couple weeks--which is not a-typical for me this time of year and compounded a little by a (likely cracked lens) feeling that the SUD public release has been kinda blah. Anywho with all the interruptions I just felt really off my game (no pun intended). 

We can alternately start next session right at the rope bridge or handwave things away and say you retreated back to King's Ten without incident.


  1. Bummer, dude.

    Re: SUD public release, it is definitely cracked lens. Did you get the hysterical screaming and weeping of R&PL? No, but that's okay. This is our first product and we made a very respectable showing in sales, delivered a fine book, and learned a lot in the process. Imagine where we'll be in a couple years.

  2. Oh yeah rationally I understand that. I wasn't expecting nor do I think I deserve wide-scale acclamation. Something revolutionary or brilliant just wasn't what we were doing (plus I think the honeymoon period for a Kickstarted product often begins and ends in the KS period itself).  

    Apologies all, if this sounds all primadonna,  but y'all are my friends so I figured better to  be just be honest.

  3. sorry you're having a hard time, man; this is a rough time of year

  4. I understand completely Chris Kutalik. Take care.

  5. Thanks y'all. I know many of you struggle with this monkey chatter shit too. Well at least we can all  be cracked plates together.

  6. I think that as the stretch goals start to hit, people will continue talking about SUD as a whole (and it'll get out of the giant shadow of R&PL coming out). 

    Fuck depression. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help kick its ass.

  7. I am deeply sympathetic with so much of what you wrote here. Hang in there.

  8. Yeah, I totally understand, and I'm also really glad you feel comfortable enough to share this with us.
    I am my own worst critic, and even though I know that, it often proves impossible for me to stop listening to The Little Voice That Tears Down.
    I felt the praise and excitement surrounding SUD was all a lot more well-considered and deeply-felt than the hubbub orbiting various other contemporary offerings. quality > quantity.

  9. And FWIW, I am more than a little jealous about the subdued and, frankly, classy way you guys went about doing SUD. As I've told you and Robert Parker privately on more than one occasion, I wish I'd had the smarts to turn to guys like you for advice and assistance. I might have saved myself some a lot of heartache and mental anguish if I had.


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