Despite it being a short session the party managed to get in a rather large amount of exploration, breaking into the...

Despite it being a short session the party managed to get in a rather large amount of exploration, breaking into the headwaters of the western river valleys. As promised here is the new map. 

19.12 is the keep and warrens of Jakus the wizard and his badgermen simulacra. 

17.10 is the log keep of Mekosh the rival mage and his fucked up deermen. 

13.12 is the "Gohya" village burned out by the Grugach


  1. Take for session cole long Michael Moscrip Anthony Picaro James Aulds is 400 xp each (exploration bonus). Plus Potion of Enshrinkenment (similar to Dimunition but a two dose thing that can shrink you to 1/3 and then 1/8 size).

  2. what's the name of Mekosh's druid/wizard ex-girlfriend off east?

  3. also were there takes from the Badgermen last week, the Yolonian expedition of 12/23-12/30, or the Eld ambush outside the frog demon temple 10/28?

  4. James Aulds 22.11 is The Rusevin, the YFort is in the top left corner of 21.13

  5. we had talked about quest a week, and explore rusevin a week alternating at one point, we still need to go chat with the dwarves at the mine

  6. I'm looking forward to going back to the Rusevin next week :)

  7. although if Robert Parker isn't around maybe hold off on that until he's back and check out that shore hex at 9.17

  8. can we get a standing count of troops available and troops at the Y and perhaps talk with some of the blue folk about scouting. 

    also what legend lore do we have on Rusevin?

  9. although if +Robert Parker isn't around maybe hold off on that until he's back and check out that shore hex at 9.17

  10. Yeah coming at it from the other direction does seem to be the best approach unless we want to deal with the wizards. If there's grugach afoot in large numbers, over the ridge and through the woods is too extended and vulnerable.

  11. Also I want to kill Mekosh pretty bad.

    Do we think there is value in commissioning Jakuš to lifeshape some critters for us or does that seem like a trap? We could really use a method of flight, though perhaps the hippogriffs are a better route for that, if they've any of age by now. Could even make another raid to capture a few to offset cost.

  12. i think it may be best to minimize close interaction with the wizards until it's time for them to go

  13. If it's probably a trap do we need to dispose of the badgermen we have around camp? If they're roaming eyes for a wizard or whatever else I mean, might be best not to let them see all our shit.

    I doubt they'd gain much info from digging out Happy Village (Coming Soon!) but then I don't know shit about the sensory power of badgers or badgeroids.

  14. Flying beasts are tempting, but I think I have to agree with Cole on the interaction.
    Also, from the information we've gotten, I think we can infer that Jakus has dealings with the riders of the winged serpents.

  15. Anthony Picaro i think he may have too much contempt for his badgermen to use them as roving eyes but i wouldn't entirely rule it out

  16. Anthony Picaro - I hadn't thought of the possibility that Jakus might be able to do various types of remote sensing via his creations. It's totally something I'd do if I was him, assuming it's possible to build that in to a vat creature.

  17. I think he absolutely provides the serpents, but my interpretation of him was fairly mercantile, in that I'd expect him to have no problem selling to opposed parties.

    That doesn't recommend against avoiding him for totally other reasons, of course.

  18. also, the more i think about it the more i think disposing of Jakus should be the priority.
    * He seems more petulant (appointments, conditions, dismissive)
    * He's more in our way.
    * He strikes me as more powerful, which will make him harder to take out, but i think that currently Mekosh acts as somewhat of a check on Jakus, and not vice versa

  19. cole long I might quibble with the first two, but your third point is potent enough that I'm beginning to agree.

  20. I think his penchant for appointments hints at his possible professionalism.

  21. the wizard who has his shit together the most is the wizard who is the most dangerous

  22. If we eliminate the source of flying serpents, does that weaken the riders, enrage the riders, or both?

  23. My guess is both. But they don't have to know it's us. They might go after Mekosh. Of course, he'd probably sell us out...

  24. Badger wizard has some kinda force field if I remember right

  25. Yeah, no idea if he's in that 24/7 or what

  26. Man, sounds like a great session. Jealous.

  27. i loved the "euphemism" running joke, even if i probably ran it into the ground


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