Chris Kutalik , Anthony Picaro and other members of the Nine, does anyone have "The Take" report for the following...

Chris Kutalik , Anthony Picaro  and other members of the Nine, does anyone have "The Take" report for the following weeks?

* October 28 2014 (Fought Eld near the Frog Demon temple after tracking the Surveyor)
* September 23 2014 (Found an Event post but not a The Take post - I Think this was the week we met the Kozak Hetman/boy)

* July 29 2014 (the Grugach battle at the Dam/Fort Pleasant, where we used the Brother-Blades and Manzafrain conjured the illusion of Perun)

*April 1 2014 (I think this was the "Matchmaker" shaggy dog session where we tried to find a bride for the Decade King and dealt with the Brothers from Another Mother)

Thanks guys


  1. Anthony Picaro - is your campaign bookkeeping sheet for the Hill Cantons available online somewhere? That sounds odd, but I'm not sure how else to put it right now.

  2. It's just Lazzaro's character sheet. One of these days I could extract the HC entries and throw them in a doc somewhere. Currently way out of date though, so first I'd need to take an hour or two to sit down and update it.

  3. found the take for April 1st nested in the commments of the April 8th take :

    "Chris KutalikApr 9, 2014+2

    Due to Kuhnwhatshisface's expert pelgrane skinning you get 1000 suns for the five carapaces. +Humza Kazmi +Michael Moscrip +Anthony Picaro +cole long +Robert Parker from the previous session. Take an extra 400 exp too. "


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