So I'm compiling things and starting to reorganize the campaign for 2015.

So I'm compiling things and starting to reorganize the campaign for 2015. I think I got out of the discussion a couple weeks back that y'all are mostly interested in Feral Shore exploration and limited domain game like activity. Is that right?  Also let me know if there are any other places or activity you think you might want to prioritize for the next few months. 

Just FYI this is a list of sites you have explored small portions of or have not explored but know about:
The Underwater City
The Rusevin city ruins
Il Tasiin catacombs (that's the dungeon near where the Barge was held)
Isle of Mirr stone structure at the end of the uplands lake
Iron Spire Island, iron towers
Kezmarok undercity sites
Isle of Tolmin fox-people warrens
Mountain Hall of the Hyperboreans


  1. remind me about the isle of mirr again

  2. Iron spire is the one with the zombies? 

    Isle of Tolmin, where is this near and if we go there do you get to come up with a playable fox person class or do they have mercinaries, cause foxs in the feral shore would be cool for troops with the bears in route

    Rusevin ruins are those by the Y fort and the silver mine?

  3. oh i remember being super afraid to go there

  4. I have dreams of clearing out Iron Spire Island but nobody else seems to be interested in bombarding zombies with our GOLDEN BATTLE BARGE.

    Top priority for exploration is the Rusevin I think; I am down with hitting any of the others listed, though, especially going to the Scarlet Sultanate again or something.

  5. we could try iron spire island, that's not unconnected to the whole feral shore project after all. i don't want to be a killjoy, i just really enjoy the FS aspect of the campaign

  6. cole long​ nothing killjoy there, man! I am not strongly attached to the ideas; like Mike Davison​says, I am easy like Sunday morning. Or whatever his robotronic phrase is. :)

    (That said the Rusevin is important to the Feral Shore settlement project in a way that the others are not).

  7. I am most interested at the moment in clearing the spaceship and using it as a fortress linking the two river valleys to unite them as one domain. Might have to ally with whatever lives up top the cliffs there to really pull it off.

    In the grand scheme, I think mostly what we need to do is hire soldiers and build roads.

  8. What hex on the explored FS map is the spaceship

  9. The hex that looks like a Death Dealer head.

  10. The spaceship is in the broken terrain of column 19. Not sure which hex specific, but towards the northern end I think. Near the end of the canyon.

    It's a cylindrical, metal tower. I call it a spaceship because it reminds me of the Direnni Tower. Deathdealer is more of a Numidium situation.


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