I just realized I should go ahead and share the permalinked maps that we often use, for ease of access in linking on...

I just realized I should go ahead and share the permalinked maps that we often use, for ease of access in linking on game nights.

Southeastern Zem

The Cantons
HC Hexmap: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjedpgA7oMu_FFhNbp2S8Ewb910MDMZzd4lHzxLwsOt9CduQPAC1_gA3lDnxrDMAasN7YBO-bUBiZovorcuGvDIDwnNXcgJiL1nkkAJqnia2ePT_7sfsV5QtIRpqI6gKr0BzuUT4kDoKCo/s1600/HC.png
HC Player's Map: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgDDihWBNTRdzEoI9mATe72JUZqj0mqERPnpyGZH1WCgnIQqGD5TfLJotfp-CEQV1sbRHu-KPm7ZJ9HU58DOhIJ-UNpo_SntzpRq9bJ1e9iayWZMfUNJJRpNqnzn0mh82L0hNw-L3hfCJA/s1600/scan0004.jpg


Feral Shore
Explored Map (a bit out of date I think?): https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsr4BBouLNHwiVsb7E_rTNiA0xHq6NuFZeDI_AKWiu-BwoCuHlrKTV8OQCpZQJzp__srP0SUAUoAsaPJhwf_dH0ZNAft51p87lsveGVr_0jcAxRv9PPIiLYglJrf9-a3FSg4HnKNP6_CE/s1600/Feral+Shore+May+2014.png
Ancient Map: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWAC64a9HkMn7AHW1VU7IbI_GpskrW6o5NHe5_hdsmBhUMPiCBZSVTsjEcmUQJFwPzZFzRou4yHBHI28VE4YoKLcppkLe02TxUmF8AGo6oSjMb-G1mFoExyrXCxOD3rs9lCEwtVlm-9pg/s1600/Feral+Shore+500+bigger.png

Kozak Border War Map: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjVV3hwm094hu5RVHgduRQ4X2PrJanq8NR0l8J3oTKQgRZbD2hyphenhyphenxpVdaq38Q5tDMJe9qzkTcBQi8_ovL4H7YMzt5yKwQTymC6ryAjuKVQJI8BH6DWEwkSLQ70VY4UVHltYb6TR6nhxuQKg/s1600/borderwar2.png
Brazonia: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEipMq3JQIwHHd56DO7XRFeSNT7BH7VTKA2KhEJ7GvRh0GwTsno9rW85O42F9kR6hhDVU5gSyaJanmZQrIJ-VcByBXmRxbDEprSRb6bVLQxdu_7GRI-WhDm7fo290btJj76cVIWJohIAN7Y/s1600/brazonia.png


  1. The explored FS map is essentially correct, though you have explored the coast about two hexes to the west of the edge (this being where the Black Cube dungeon is).

  2. Humza K it's sad to say but this helps me too.

  3. Chris Kutalik Heh, nothing sad about it! You're already juggling eleven gazillion sitemaps and other things we can't see anyhow.

  4. That recent campaign organization thread got me thinking I need to digitalize a big chunk of the maps (which are like insane now in number). But you know time.


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