For continuing discussion of campaign goals + what we'd like to see in the next upcoming months, per discussion last...

For continuing discussion of campaign goals + what we'd like to see in the next upcoming months, per discussion last night.

I've been trying to isolate what I want from exploration. I think that part of what I'm looking for is the opportunity to have broader goals in exploration beyond "what is in this hex." Trekking through the wilderness to find a given thing (like the Cup of Radegast or the source of a river or something) clicks for me in a way that meandering around doesn't. (This is why I'd been suggesting having NPC explorers around - to search around and find the big things that we could then go after. It seemed like this option wasn't to most people's tastes, though, which is legit.) 

Anthony Picaro had brought up concerns about the matrix resolution of downtime actions, particularly (and correct me if my rephrasing is inaccurate please) the difficulty of gauging when a plan was deemed sufficient for a matrix resolution. 

Did I miss any other open issues from yesterday?


  1. There was some discussion of mass combat. But I think exploration won out as the big want

  2. we could prioritize visiting the sites of map-era settlements (e.g. 16.19,  09.17, 12.12 at that river fork, etc.)

  3. cole long  that sounds like a cool idea, looking at the map last night just made me want to go back more

  4. Based on last night's conversation, I think realistically I am going to say that we will not be doing individual downtime actions outside of the very simple or routine (like I want to buy such and such items or I want to do this finite bit of research). I would say no more than a single short paragraph.  

    As far as we deal with domain-like actions collectively I think larger collective plans are fine but I am going to have to figure out a system for resolving them.

  5. Yeah, that's a good rephrasing.

    Just to be clear I have no issues with matrix resolution, the determination of success odds / evaluation of arguments by whatever method, or the inscrutability of success odds on the player side.

    Like similarly it doesn't matter to me if I hit or miss or what combat statistics an enemy has, but I like to know if I actually made an attack roll or not because if I'm not making attack rolls then I should probably start thinking about ways other than combat to solve the problem at hand.

  6. Anthony Picaro I think a good general process would be to just be upfront about when I was making a Matrix roll. 

    Example: Okko says give me a 1000 suns to build a new fort in hex X. You give him the gold and stipulate 1-3 contingency points to the plan for founding the fort (we send extra troops, extra supplies etc). Then I tell you that I am going to make a Matrix roll about the founding of the fort.

    If there are additional considerations, I will ask you follow up questions and tell you again if a roll is going to occur.

  7. One thing I would like to see more of is interactions with Kezmarok and the Decade-King. Lower Kez's reappearance seems like it should have a number of effects on the broad situation (incl. more potential colonists, because if the city can disappear on you maybe the Feral Shore ain't so bad...)


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